Its funny how, in 2008, Nick and I each bought 2 new bikes, a big ass HD DLP TV and HD Tivo, a blu-ray player and bought each other new cameras for Christmas – but we’ve been nearly torturing ourselves with hand-me-down desk chairs in our office. My chair was a freebe. When the local Knights of Columbus closed down (when I was in high school), my dad helped them empty their “lodge” since my grandpa was a long-time member. Well, dad came home that day with a bunch of old desk chairs, some file cabinets, a big heavy desk and a 6′ tall metal knight statue thing (I’m not kidding – he called it Bobby). I inherited one of the desk chairs. Somewhere along the line, one of the legs got bent and so it wobbled, and didn’t move very well. In short, it sucked.
Nick, on the other hand, has been sitting on a chair that he bought at an estate sale several years ago. Its a really awesome chair, but has been stuck at a super-high height that was just OK for Nick and terrible for me. Also, its got really high arms that don’t fit under any desk, so he was limited as to how close he could pull himself to his desk.
Well, I’ve finally had enough. Staples had a sale on all of their chairs, and I splurged a whopping $70 each on new chairs for us. Let me tell you – its a small upgrade that I wish I would have done a long time ago becuase it is freaking wonderful.
Let this be a lesson to me. It doesn’t have to be Aeron or bust. Sometimes, a small upgrade is good enough. Heh. Who knew?
yaaay! little creature comforts make a big difference!
Funny. I was just looking longingly at new chairs at Staples yesterday. I am currently sitting on a chair that belongs to the dining room set. Sigh.