So, I been sick. Yuck. Stomach sick. Extra Yuck.
And, Christmas is in like 5 days, and I’ve not yet gotten christmassy. Hmm.
I do have a fair amount of shopping done, however, which is more than we usually have done this far from christmas (yes, in my life, 5 days is still ‘far from christmas’).
I wanted to knit more scarfs for christmas, but at the rate I’m moving on the first one, I’ll be lucky if it gets done in time to wrap. *sigh*
My iTunes Party Shuffel just pulled “Word Up!” from somewhere. Weird.
Its damn cold today, but I’m gonna ride my bike tonight anyway. Its good to get the kinks out. I think I have enough clothes to keep myself warm. *fingers crossed*
Nice short work week this week. Today, tomorrow, and probably a real short day on Wednesday. Its one of my coworker dude’s birthday and also the last day before the holiday, so we’re thinking we’ll start celebrating at lunch 🙂
allright .. maybe i’ll write more later .. now, i’m stumped ..