sometimes, working in corporate america makes me want to stick a shap object through my eye.
ignore the fact that we all have updated electronic calendars available for scheduling meetings
ignore the fact that we’re all busy professionals trying to get shit done so we don’t get bitched at
ignore the fact that we’re fucking adults
because … the CIO is in town …
DROP EVERYTHING and come to this meeting with a ridiculously vague subject… decline your recurring weekly meeting with your most important vendor that this meeting conflicts with because this is a meeting with the CIO .. BUT, i’m not going to give you any information about this meeting .. all you need to know is that the CIO is going to be there so you’d better show up ..
good fucking gawd … even the CIO could stand to get over himself now and then ..
not that it would make a damn bit of difference to the dude if i were there or not .. for as many times as he’s met me, and as many times as my name is tossed around in our corporate IT groups, I still have to introduce myself to him EVERY FUCKING TIME HE’S HERE ..
So you tell me .. will he really notice if I’m not there? will he really care? wouldn’t he think it more important that i keep tabs on our WAN vendor?
eh fuckit
i stopped by my local headshop yesterday to buy some incense .. the dude who own’s the shop is just the coolest, mellowest dude .. there’s a job .. hangin out in my headshop all day with my cat (well, it’d be a dog in my case) .. smokin in the back room and chit chattin with all the stoners who come in the shop ..
my dad’s moving to the UP .. i’m happy for him .. he deserves it