I woke up this morning with that dauntingly scratchy feeling in the back of my throat. You know the one that’s generally followed by 7 days of miserable cauging, snot and sneezing?
I’ve been completely engrossed at work for the past couple of weeks, planning an infrastructure move. All of our security equipment in our Novi data center has to be moved from its current rack positions to one a different part of the data center. This is actually a good thing because now, all of our equipment is scattered all over and mixed in with all of the WAN group’s equipment. So, its like we’ll have our own home. Problem is, our stuff is a mess that no one REALLY understands completely. I’ve been tracing cables, documenting MAC addresses and creating spreadsheets in an attempt to bring control and clarity to the situation. The other guys in my group are working on firewall isues related to an additional change that’s being tacked on to this approved ‘downtime’. I’m not even going to try to predict how this change will go. Hopefully my coworkers will remain calm, not panic, and have some fun. Its not really a difficult task, especially since I’ve done all of the dirty work already, its just an intimidating one.
So, there’s a chance I’ll have to work late tonight (when the weather is supposed to be 62degrees and somewhat sunny), and probably have to come in, at least for awhile, tomorrow morning. The change is tomorrow night 10pm – 3am ..
If the weather holds, and I’m not too fried, I really want to try to hit the first Beat the Train ride at 6am in downtown detroit on Saturday. Who knows, I might just make it.
Yeah, I’ll be sure to take a picture of you snoozing in the bed before I leave for the ride, just so everyone knows what you actually did… 😉