I’ve been coming to this race since 2004, but this is the first time I’m actually racing. Its a whole different world on this side of the bike shorts. Woah.
Probably it doesn’t help that Brent made some course changes that, from what I’ve been told, has made this the most difficult 24 hours of Boyne course that my vets have experienced.
Thanks a ton to my pal Shari. She got me through that first lap and kept me from being absolutely miserable. It was hot, and I didn’t have enough water. I’ve been running at 100% for the past couple of weeks, and I’ve had some really bad food choices recently. My first lap was tough. Shari was fantastic, patient and optimistic. I envy her determination, her will.
My girls are doing great. Claudia pulled off a hellova first lap! I’m gonna head down and check on Wendy … she was out on the course when I last checked …
Stay tuned for more ..