Its been a loooong planning process, but in approximately 127 hours, we’ll be on our way to Las Vegas!
This is a first time for me – Vegas, that is. The excuse is Interbike, but I’m hoping for more. As my pal Glen said “leave the responsible Marty at home and have some fun!”. So, that’s my plan. Be warned, all ye who travel with me – don’t look to me for plans and details, I’ve done enough of that already for this trip and now I just want to enjoy it 😉
Hopefully I’ll be able to remember enough of the week to check in here from time to time with reports 😀
You might remember last fall, when I left my job to start working at Trinity Health. One of the deciding factors involved with this move is the fantastic vacation time that Trinity employees get. We decided that since we have so much vacation time now, we’d take a two week trip out west – driving, camping, bikes, dogs, etc… It was going to be great! We’d stop in at Interbike for a few days and venture on from there.
Well, plans change. Nick’s cousin is getting married in Wisconson on October 6. Our two week trip out west just got alot shorter. Now, its a week and a half, including drive time to Wisconson. Ok. Scratch the two week trip. *Sigh* maybe next year.
In my next life, maybe I’ll be a travel agent. It seems that’s something I spend alot of time doing – arranging travel. Recently, I’ve spent a week in Chicago, made travel arrangements for this Vegas trip, spent the weekend in Port Austin and am currently working on logistics for this Wisconson trip. Not to mention Iceman (which needs to be done soon), a weekend up north for Nick’s birthday (even sooner), and (hopefully) a long vacation in the UP for Thanksgiving. We’d talked about going back to Vegas in February for our Anniversary, and we’ll be visiting dear Jessica in Eurpoe next year as well.
Oof .. I’m tired, anyone want to find me a place to stay for Iceman this year?
We just got back from Vegas last night.
Have fun!!!
Have a GREAT time in Vegas, I love the place! If you get a chance you should go and see the Blue Man group!