rough week .. great weekend

I drove to South Bend, IN on Monday for work.  I was there with my co-worker through the day on Thursday.  It was a rough week.  I ate badly.  I brought my bike and trainer but only actually rode for 45 min on Monday.   After that, it was just a decoration to administer guilt.  Work went relatively, but was still frustrating and very tiring.  The weather was ridiculously cold, and on Tuesday morning, I lost the last fan setting in my Jeep, so I only had heat if I was going 40+ mph.  I left on Thursday almost in a state of depression, despite the daily dose of crazy pills I take.

My boss let us stay home on Friday in thanks for our hard work and volunteering to go in the first place.  I spent the day just trying to chill and recoup from the crazy week I’d had.  I was tense and tired and it was nice to sit still.  We talked about spinning, but never made it off the couch.  Jarek came over and we watched 3 episodes of Alias and 2 episodes of Battlestar Galactica.  It was awesome 😀

But, by Saturday, I needed to do something.  Jarek was off to a birthday party so we had the day free.  Nick was “mr. idea” this weekend and took me to the Tree Farm for a Single Speed ride in the snow.  Our ride time was ~1hr 40min with an average speed of 5.9 mph .. S L O W .. My front brake on my SS had lost its usefullness and so I had very little control over my bike.  Also, the snow was a little wet so it kept icing up my cleats, so I had a terrible time clipping in.  I couldn’t wear my tinted glasses because I wasn’t going fast enough to keep them from fogging up.  But, let me just say this:

The ride .. was fucking .. Awesome… I had a blast.  I had so many endorphins running though me when we were done that I just needed BEER.  So, Nick too me to Dragonmead in Warren and I had an English Brown Ale and an English Amber Ale.  Yummmmmy.

Saturday was a great day 😀

Now, today was way colder than yesterday.  Like almost 10 degrees colder.  When we got to Stony Creek High School at noon to meet Mike, Nick and I both realized that we needed to switch from our normal fleece-lined tights to our heavy-duty AmFib tights.  Once we finally got rolling, we warmed up pretty damned quick.  I rode my K2 Flyin Monkey for the first time since I bought the lighter wheelset.  That bike is ridiculously fun to ride.  Oh My Gawd .. I had SO much fun today.  Since the weather was colder, the snow was much firmer and easier to ride.  My cleats didn’t freeze up once, and both of my brakes worked flawlessly 😉

Then, we got a call from our foreign exchange student (the jessica girl who just moved to germany) and we chatted with her for ~45 minutes.  She’d gotten the care package we sent and wanted to say thanks!

I’ve been in a rut lately.  We’ve been in a rut lately.  But, it seems we’re working our way out of it.  I feel oddly refreshed after this weekend.  I’m most thankful to my great dude, Nick because he was my tour guide this weekend.  He made the plans and I just went with it.  Good stuff.  Thanks baby 😉

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1 Response to rough week .. great weekend

  1. SourDad says:

    Hey Snit, Sounds like a good weekend on the bikes.

    Thanks for coming out of lurk mode.

    I’ll see you Sunday? I’ll be much cheerier by then.

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