Why do I feel better about throwing away food that’s been cooked/prepared than about throwing away food that was never opened?
I’ve been in Kansas City, MO this week for Checkpoint Firewall training (woo hoo!). I decided to stay at a Residence Inn for 2 reasons: 1- they have shuttle service to/from my training location so I didn’t have to rent a car and 2- I wanted a kitchen so that I didn’t have to eat out all week. On Tuesday after class, I went grocery shopping and came back with 2 bags of food. Really, it wasn’t too much food, but I’ve also been sick this week and not eating nearly as much as I normally would.
Well, I’m leaving tomorrow and I decided that I really should cook up some of the 1/2 dozen eggs that I bought and finish up the breakfast sausage. I just hated the thought of leaving that stuff in the fridge to be thrown away. I wasn’t in the mood for eggs, haven’t been all week. I definitely wasn’t in the mood for sausage as its really just something I like once in awhile, and after eating it for 3 days, I’ve really had enough. But alas, I cooked it up anyway. I only cooked 3 eggs, and mixed in the sausage and white cheddar cheese that I had. I was pretty sure that once it was cooked, I’d really want to eat it.
I tried, I really did. The toast was great. I drank my full glass of milk. But the eggs .. blah.. I had a few bites, but I just can’t eat the rest. So, those eggs are going to get thrown away anyway.
The full bottle of wine that I never opened (again, I was sick all week and just never in the mood for wine like I thought I would be) will probably go to someone at the front desk. In the good old days, I could have carried the wine on the plane in my backpack. Not so much anymore. *sigh* Not sure what to do with my leftover bread, butter and cheese. I think I’ll be able to finish the milk and orange juice though.
There’s a group of IRS “auditors in training” staying here and I know one of them is sticking around through the weekend (they are in training the whole month, but most are going home for the weekend). I was hoping to bump into her again to give her my food, but I haven’t seen her.
I always feel guilty about throwing away food, but I just don’t know what else to do.
On a positive note, I bet I lost some weight this week since I really haven’t been eating much 😉