woes of a digital world

Nick and I have been using smugmug for a few years now to host pictures for sharing with the world.  Lately, though, we’ve both been using flickr a bit more for various day-to-day things.  On our appleTV, I found that you can set the screen saver to display a slideshow of your flickr photostream so I decided to start a new flickr set called “screen saver” and put some cool pics in there that will float across our large TV screen when the appleTV turns to screen saver.  Seems like such a great idea!  I mean, what better way to view your photos?

Well, being a flickr newbie, I didn’t realize the limitations of the free flickr account.  In fact, I’m such a flicr newbie, that I didn’t even realize that there WAS a paid “pro” account until recenlty.  So, I found the first limitation to be that I could only have 3 photosets.  Ok, fine.  I managed that OK .. Well, now I fumbled my way into another limitation that I can only upload 100MB per month – and I’ve already exceeded that limit for August.  Nice.

So, my option is to wait until September or pay $25/year for flickr.  But I’m still paying $45 for smugmug.  I like them both for different reasons, but I just don’t know if I really want to spend $70 / year for photo hosting ..

*sigh*  what to do .. what to do ..

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1 Response to woes of a digital world

  1. soupy says:

    switch to flickr!!! 😀

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