So, I’ve been thinking for awhile now, that if I could post to my blog from my gtalk client, then I’d probably post a lot more … I mentioned this to Nick a little while ago and within 10 minutes he found IMified .. which just might be one of the coolest little geek toys I’ve found in a long time ..
Basically, I added IMified as a contact in my gtalk and after adding a couple of ‘widgets’ to my IMified account, I can now add and view appointments on my google calendar, add and vew tasks from rembember the milk, and post to my blog – just by sending text to my IMified contact.
Very freaking cool … I just don’t know how else to describe it 😀
Happy to hear you like IMified. Thanks for mentioning us. I have to say you’ve got one of the best “About Me” pages I’ve seen yet. Wonderfully honest and refreshing.