cross another one off the list

We have a white board in our home office that is nothing more than a list of bear-minimum projects we need to do at our home to make it .. well … livable by most people’s standards …

We’ve had a problem with our toilet since we moved in (in 2001?).  The tank would not stay full, and was therefore refiling itself all the time .. and, it had problems flushing (had to hold the handle down).  Its an old toilet that was probably installed when the house was built.  We were afraid that removing the toilet would be disasterous and therefore, just ignored it for years as we watched our water bill climb higher and higher.

We bought a new toilet months ago, but were somewhat afraid of the cost of said disaster and just never found a convenient time to schedule a plumber to come out.  Finally, enough was enough when the tank would just not stay full for any length of time.  So, I scheduled a day off from work, and called a plumber.

90 minutes and $250 later, we’re in business with a shiny new bowl.  w00t.

I can’t wait to take a shower.  This was the worst part for me – every time the tank decided to fill itself back up (every few seconds or so), all of the cold water was redirected from the shower to the toilet .. heh .. made for some miserable shower experiences 😉

I’m sure when I’m taking this shower, I’ll think “why did I wait so long??? “

If only I knew the answer to THAT question … heh

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a sigh of relief …

I just made my final payment on our 2002 Jeep Liberty.  As of right now, we are car payment free.

Lets all sigh together …


Yes, that felt good 😀

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first time for everything ..

Yesterday, Nick, Mike, Kim, Jon, James, Christy, Eric and I met for a ride at Highland Rec.  For some reason, I decided to take the SS instead of the fully geared, full suspension bike.  Heh.  Maybe not one of the smarter decisions I’ve made this summer, but I did have fun – despite the “ride until you puke” experience only a couple of miles in.  Yes, this was a first for me.

I took off into the singletrack like I was on fire.  I was having a blast but could feel my heart trying to jump out of my skin.  About a mile in, I pulled my foot right out of my pedal on a tough uphill and had to stop and walk.  I decided to head to the back of the pack and chill out a bit because I knew my crazy pace was .. well … crazy.  I was ahead of Kim, Mike and Nick and ended up riding between packs for a bit, on my own.  A series of long, shallow climbs had me out of the saddle and barely breathing.  I knew the front half of the group was at the top of this particular climb and I was trying to make it there.  I had to stop just after the last turn of the climb.  I glanced at my HR monitor and it said 203.  It was only a few more seconds before I got that feeling in my stomach and I knew what was gonna happen. 

I’m glad I had a small breakfast. 🙂

I walked my way up to the rest of the group, got my bearings and we headed on.  I decided to stay behind Kim this time and ride at her pace.  We made it though, stopping way more than the rest of the group, but we were having a good time keeping each other company. 

When we got to the enterance of the C loop, I decided that I just didn’t have it in me to do that section.  I’ve only done it once (I’ve only ridden Highland 4 times, counting yesterday) and I knew that it was pretty technical.  I just didn’t think I had the strength left to grunt the SS through the short steep technical climbs that I was sure the C loop had. 

Kim and Christy were more than happy to keep me company on the rest of the B loop while the guys did the C loop.  This was the first time Kim had ridden the B loop at Highland, and was getting pretty tired.  Christy was having an off day and not feeling too confident, so wanted a break. 

That section, from the C enterance to where the D loop starts is an amazing piece of singletrack.  Its fanstatic fun and I loved doing it on the SS. 

We hung out at the enterance of the D loop for awhile waiting for the dudes, and then we all rode the last mile or so out together(ish). 

All in all, it was a great ride.  The weather was perfect – 60 degrees – knickers, arm warmers.  My favorite riding attire 😀

Would I ride Highland again on a Single Speed?  Definitely.  But maybe next time I won’t kill myself right out of the gate .. jeesh.  😉

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not a bad monday, for a change

the day started out well with a conference call that ended up having nothing to do with me, followed by a 2 hour kick off meeting for a project where i’m the “sme” and therefore, left with no real responsibilities or action items 😉

toward the end of the 2 hour meeting, i was paged on a priority-2 issue for a broken VPN.  i called the customer and had them reset their side of the tunnel .. vioala!  tunnel back up …

went to grab a sandwich at Cosi and ran into my pal Kurt (he works just down the street, but we rarely see each other) .. we made lunch plans for later this week 🙂

while eating lunch, i scowered the internet and finally found the deal that fit for our trip to Vegas in 2 weeks!  airline booked, hotel room reserved and paid for .. w00t!  we’re staying at the MGM Grand .. ooh la la  .. turns out, you can get pretty decent rates through travelocity .. the MGM is even less expensive than Treasure Island .. probably the same as we paid last year at Harahs.. plus, non-stop flights on NWA .. can’t beat that 😀

another P-2 issue later in the day – called the customer to find out that the problem was already fixed.  my kinda issue 😀

downed a macbreak weekly podcast on the way home and started listening to fast food nation..

cooked a good steak dinner (but melted the buttons off the grill .. might be time for a new one .. heh)

and to top it off, i successfully changed my SS tire!!  i’ve been afraid of those rims since i spent an hour + trying to put tires on ’em a few years ago .. generally, i find people to change tires for me .. i’ve never been good or quick at it .. well, tonight, i changed my tire in a reasonable amount of time .. i dunno, less than 15 minutes, i’d say .. ok .. lame, i know .. but i was satisfied 😀

and tomorrow, i get to ride my SS!!! its been hanging up for most of august .. she needs to be ridden… i think we’re gonna hit the tree farm .. w00t!

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summer's almost over …

and I’ve hardly posted at all … ah well .. such is often the case with these blogs ..

today, however, i felt compelled to post since i’m still on a bit of a high from riding my bike for 3 hours and 52 minutes today … the longest ride for me this year .. not groundbreaking by most people’s standards .. but in my sorry state of physical shape, it was pretty damn exciting shit …

mike and kim rode the tandem that they borrowed from cat

I’m not sure if Kim had ever ridden for that long before, and she was pretty glad to be on the tandem for it.  She said she probably would have fallen way behind if she was on her own bike… Mike’s biggest dissapointment was that he didn’t think to change the driver’s saddle to his own (even though he swapped out the stoker’s saddle for Kim’s terry <G>) .. Toward the end of the ride, the tandem really started to pick up “saddle pain enduced speed” at times on the Clinton River Trail and I had to yell to keep them in check ;)  By the time we got over the expressway on Livenois, I figured it was time to let them free 😀

We stopped on one of the bigger bridges for a break on the way out and were greeted by 4 of these guys out on patrol:

They seemed to be just out riding around, checking on things.  Very friendly and they all looked like they were having a good time 🙂

After our wonderful 49 mile ride, Kim fixed up a bunch of left overs from her labor day party the day before – cheezy potatos, potato salad, fresh fresh corn on the cob (thanks Scott!) and some burgers.. yummmy .. Kim’s the best 😀

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I get to go see Modest Mouse in ONE WEEK!!!

One week from tonight in the cleve land …. w00t

and if i’m lucky, we’ll go see Joe Walsh the night before at meadowbrook 😀

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Is Ithaca this weekend already?

Have I mentioned that the 12 hours of Ithaca is to be my first ever solo endurance race event?  Yeah.  It sure is.  And its this weekend.


Actually, I’m really looking forward to it.  The course is mostly flat and twisty and very short.  As in ~5 miles of short.  I’ve decided that I’m going to do as much as possible on the SS, but I’m bringing the Titus along for ‘in case of’ .. This also puts me in the solo-women’s category, rather than the SS category.  I’ll be ‘competing’ with Shari and Claudia. 

I’ve been pulling together some ‘lap goals’ in my head and just looked up some results from last year for reference.  Our team did 25 laps, meaning I did 6 (Jessica did the extra lap).  Shari did 18 laps last year.  Oof.  Ok.  So, I think my bear minimum goal will be 12 laps.  That’s twice as many as last year, and averaging one lap per hour.  I’m going a bit easy on myself (goal-wise) since this is my first solo endurance race.  It may be flat and short, but its still riding a bike all day.

So there.  Its written in digital and will soon be published for the world to see.  I do have some super-secret goals that will not be published on the interweb and may or may not be talked about after the race 😉

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an evening with the scurrs

Shari and I have been trying to plan a ride together since the spring.  We’ve made a few attempts to meet at Pontiac Lake, but either weather, illness or just plain chaos has gotten in the way.  Tonight however, the planets aligned.  The weather was perfect, we were all in good health, traffic was good, last minute bike maintenance issues were taken care of and we made it to PLRA 10 minutes before we said we’d be there!

I’ve been having hand, wrist and arm pains lately after riding my SS.  I was really starting to think that the handlebar I’d fallen in love with at the ILRA bike demo, spent a ridiculous amount of money on, might not be working out for me.  I was getting very discouraged.  For some reason, it occurred to me to take off my Cane Creek grips and put on the Ergon grips that I’d originally had (and quickly removed from) on my Cannondale just as I converted it to a SS.  I thought they got in the way and I just didn’t think they’d be good on a SS.

Well, I decided to give them another shot now that I’m more used to the Ergons (have a pair on my Titus and LOVE them) and also more used to the SS they were worth another shot.  My hands and wrists hurt so badly after riding at the Tree Farm on Tuesday that I couldn’t think about riding the SS again until I made a change.

So, first thing I did when I got home from work today was swap out those grips.  I also moved the position of my brake levers when I noticed that they were pointing way too far down to the ground.  First thing Nick did when he got home from work was change his rear brake pads and was doing the final adjustments when I rolled in.  We packed up the jeep and made our way to Pontiac.

As soon as I hopped on my bike and put my hands on my Ergon grips, I remembered that the demo bike I rode when I fell in love with the handlebar had Ergon grips.  I remembered exactly the reason why I ran right out and spent an embarrassing amount of money on that Ritchey Carbon LowRizer handlebar.  Tonight, I decided that the Ritchey Carbon LowRizer handlebar was worth every penny.  Wow.  What a difference.  And having those little bitty bar ends was sooo much nicer for climbing.  And I climbed (instead of walked) a whole bunch more tonight than I did last time we rode PLRA (a couple of weeks ago, my first ever SS PLRA ride)! 

And, riding with Shari is so much fun.  We just ride and chat and ride and chat.  And she’s a hellova rider – I could hardly keep up with her on the downhills (and I think she inspired me to be less cautious, and so I had a ton more momentum which made the whole thing so much more fun!).  And Robin keeps such a good pace that I never really fell too far behind.   I was jumping off the drops instead of rolling off of them, and I think I even yelled “woo hoo” once or twice.  The weather was amazing.  It was like 80 degrees and no humidity.  Sunny, breezy, just a beautiful night to be outside.

And then we topped off the evening with dinner at El Patio.  Mmmmmmmmmmm.  Good times 😀

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I've got to do better than this …

I’ve mostly felt good about my riding this year, but I’ve been very very lazy about on-bike nutrition.  I don’t know what happened.  I used to be very good about it.  I was almost religious about it sometimes.  But it seems like this year, I just can’t bring myself to do it.  I can’t seem to manage a Hammer Flask and every time I try to buy gu packets or hammer gel packets, they either end up lost or eaten by the dog.

I should carry and drink Heed when I ride – especially on hot days like today .. but that stuff makes my lips all sticky and really doesn’t taste good when its hot outside.  Plus, it stinks up the cupboards and you really have to keep up on washing water bottles – something I’m by no means good at.

I need to do better tho .. because its killing me now .. in this heat, I have no energy and I sweat so hard my clothes are heavy-wet when I’m done.. That stuff needs to be replenished somehow..  I know this.  I preach this.  I wish I knew what it took to make myself follow it.


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zero to oh my freakin god …

Its now 8:20 .. I’ve had my macbook for about 9 hours now.. I played with it for about 3 hours this morning and maybe an hour and a half this evening.  Yes, I managed to break myself away for a bike ride today 😀

I’ve already watched a DVD (ok, not the WHOLE DVD), imported my entire iTunes library – with metadata (including stars, dynamic playlists, playcounts, etc .. ), configured a new browswer (i’m pretty browser finicky) and loaded a chat client.

I made a funny picture with photobooth and changed my wallpaper.  I also figured out how to change mouse properties and made some changes to my dock bar thingy.

I like this mac stuff .. Everything has been just so easy .. It truly is unbelievable. 

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