It seems to be inevitable. I have a meal and conversation with my sister and I walk away feeling like a bad daughter/sister/cousin/niece. The accusations are not generally outward as she tends to lean toward subtle passive agression through comments and eye rolls. I am a bad correspondant; and its not getting any better.
I think I’m just not a fan of ‘life-update-chit-chat’. I don’t want to talk about my job. In fact, when I’m not at work, I don’t want to think about my job. This is not to say that I don’t like my job. I do, in fact, like my job very much – for a job. It pays well. I get good vacation. The people I work with are respectable and easy to work with. And the job description isn’t too bad either.
But, my job is not what makes me happy. It is not what I let define me. It is not what I live for, and I’m glad about that. I don’t want to talk about it, because it is something that I have to do in order to pay my bills and eat food. If I were independently wealthy, you can damn well bet that I wouldn’t spend my time troubleshooting content engines and authentication servers.
So, I like to talk about things that make me happy. I like to talk about my dogs, my bikes, my friends, my trips. But nobody wants to hear about that stuff, because (other people’s) dogs are boring, and everything else is about biking. To many, biking (mountain biking in partifcular, I think), is seen as frivolous, childish and kind of silly. It is my hobby that I spend way too much time and money on, and it is of no interest to them. When I start to talk about accomplishments, good rides, good friends, good times I’ve had on the bike, I get eye rolls, funny smirks, and subject changes.
Maybe they don’t believe, or can’t understand that mountain biking may have saved my life. Or, at least my livlihood. If it weren’t for mountain biking and the friends I’ve made since I started this passtime, I’d probably never leave my house once I got home from work every day. Before I started biking, my depression was so bad that I could hardly get off the couch to feed the dogs. I might very well have ended up divorced, depressed and alone. My therapist told me that when she looked at me, she saw someone very unhappy and sad. My psychiatrist told me that I was hiding in my house with my dogs. He was very blunt and told me that I needed to get out of the house. So, we went for a bike ride on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. We ended with a geocache in MetroBeach and icecream cones. A few days later, we were riding the doubletrack at Stony Creek, and a month or so later, we rode our first singletrack. I met some great people when I went to a women’s mountain biking clinic and my life has not been the same since.
For me, mountain bike is anything but frivolous. It is my lifeline. It keeps me sane in an world that has made me insane. I don’t like living in SE Michigan and I don’t like commuting to work every day. But for now, these are the things that I have to do because of the choices I’ve made in my life. I have plans for an escape and I’m just trying to keep myself sane in the meantime.
I send pictures of myself on a bike to my mom. Pictures that I was proud of and thought she would be too. And most times, I get no response. When I talk about trips we’re planning, most of which involve bikes, the bike part is usually ignored; skipped over. I also feel like I have to make up stories if I can’t make a function or trip because of some biking related obligation – like I have to come up with a better excuse, because biking is not a good enough one.
So, I’m a bad correspondant because of the quesion, “What’s new?”. Apparently, no one cares that I’m in love with the bike I bought last year and am considering a new purchase with bigger wheels for riding back roads and longer training rides. No one (outside of my ‘biking’ friends) wants to hear about how great my ride was yesterday or how cool the trail is that I’m going to ride next week.
Maybe I am obsessed with biking. Maybe I do take it too seriously. Maybe I’m the one who’s being silly and everyone else knows what’s best for me. But ya know, I’m not seeing a therapist anymore and I’m getting some good exercise. I’ve got friends who get me out of my house now and then and I have things to look forward to. Shouldn’t that be what counts?
posted by UbuRoivas at 12:38 AM PST on October 12