I’m a big fan of Fall. I love the temperatures, the smells, the color of the sky and of course the apple cider 😀
Fall is the time when I start cooking chilli. I think about using the crockpot for dinners instead of the foreman grill. Fall is the time when it feels great to pull the fleece blanket over my legs while watching TV at night.
Its funny how we somehow associate Fall with renewal – kids are going back to school, life gets back to normal after crazy summer vacations, bbqs, picnics and parties. Fall is always a good time to start over. Ironic, isn’t it? Things are dying all around, and we’re making a fresh start….
So, in tribute to this renewal time of year, we spent our rainy Saturday cleaning the basement. We had two goals – clear a good spot for setting up bikes on trainers, and clean out that old pantry/room that still had stuff in it from the owners BEFORE my parents. We’ve been wanting to clean that little room out for a couple of years, but just never had the gumption .. Welp, we managed to achieve both of our goals in less than 5 hours!
Now, you’d think that boxing things up to donate to the Salvation Army would be a good thing, right? Yeah, we agree. We’ve been boxing things up for quite some time now… Boxing … but not actually donating. Generally, we fill boxes and leave them in the basement. This helps no one, btw. Sal’s Army doesn’t get my crap, and I don’t get any more room in my basement. Having a bored 19year old step-son solved that problem.
Alex and his younger brother took 2 FULL jeeploads of stuff to Sal on Saturday.  Getting rid of stuff can be kind of addicting. It feels so good to be rid of all that crap!
Oh, and as we sat down to relax at the end of the day, we found Serenity on HBO! Not only have we been seriously fiending for a new movie to watch, Serenity is one that we’d wanted to see since it came out, but had never gotten around to it. What a GREAT end to a damn good day!
So, aside from the basement news (ok, so its boring to all of you, but exciting to me!), we had an awesome ride with Mike and bruiser Greg at Bloomer on Friday. Mike, Nick and I were all on our SSs, and Greg was slummin it with the slo-folk .. it was a gorgeous night and the ride was great fun! And on Sunday, we met up with Mike and Tommy for some backroad/Addison Oaks riding. Nick and I got almost 20 miles in, Mike and Tommy probably had 35+ by the time they finished!
This weekend was one of those when I didn’t absolutely dread going to work on Monday.