A few years ago, my genius friend Les started talking about this thing called wiki. It seemed cool, but really, made no sense to me. Once, I tried to use a program called WikiPad – thinking it would somehow help me organize notes, etc… But it was way too much for me to figure out at the time. Again, it just made no sense to me. So, I uninstalled it and put it out of my mind.
Well, wiki’s have grown in popularity lately – what with wikipedia and all. And, recently, Nick and I created our own web-based wiki to help organize our lives. Setting up that wiki gave me the opportunity to really learn and understand what wiki’s are, and how they work. Really – its damn slick. Light, easy, and functional. The entire wiki concept is based on organization and quick access to information.
So, the other day, I was opening MS Word to start gathering and documenting information from my email into a single place when it dawned on me that there’s probably a better tool than MS freakin Word for such a task. After some brain wracking, I remembered the name of the program I was looking for.. found, downloaded and installed WikiPad and have been rocking and rolling ever since.
Now that I understand wiki, its much easier to use wiki. And really, it freakin RAWKS.