i hate this part

I started mountain biking in the summer of 2003. I was severely out of shape and very much over weight. After the season ended, we started training indoors, and comitted time and money to florine who successfully helped dirt and I loose a significant amount of excess blubber on her weight watcher’s program.

When biking season 2004 picked up, and our exercise/food schedule changed, it became nearly impossible for us to keep up with the ww plan as we’d done all winter.

Here I am, close to 2 years after I first stepped on that ww scale, and I’m almost back where I started from.


Alas, I cannot live like I did when I was following florine’s plan. I was not happy and all I ever thought about was food. Ok, so maybe I COULD live like that if I wanted to, but really, I don’t want to.

This time, I want to do it myself. I know what I need to do. I just need to do it.

I’m not going to bore the average blog wanderer with my weight loss updates, but if anyone should care to follow the path, you can check me out here.

Yes .. the thing I said I wouldn’t do — tracking the food intake — is starting today. My thought is this: I’m not going to go nuts with the writing down of nutritional content in everything I eat. I’m not going to completely skimp myself into a 1800 calorie per day plan. I will (and do) have a daily goal, and I will keep myself in somewhat of check by tracking it and posting it live on the internet. I promise to keep myself honest and track all the food I eat. I will, however, concede that from time to time I will go over my daily goal. This is a situation I’m willing to accept. I would like to keep myself reasonably close to my daily goal without obsessing to the point of exhaustion.

I will do whatever it takes to keep me from bonking while riding my bike. I will not skimp on that.

I will, on occasion, order pizza with pepperoni for dinner.

I will allow myself to eat Taco Bell and Wendys, but will limit myself to what I would get there if I were following the dreaded ww plan.

I will try to walk (at least around the block) with my dog(s) after I eat dinner every night – even if its after 10pm, it only takes a few minutes to walk around the block.

I will spin on my bike at least 2 nights per week, hike a trail at least 1 night per week and get to the ski hill and learn to snowboard.

So, check the link if you’re interested in seeing how I’m doing with this plan of mine .. otherwise, look for a healthier me on the bike in a few months 😉

Posted in life hippy | 1 Comment

rush hour

When I left my last job for this one, I was thinking I’d be moving ‘off the radar’. I was to be in an ‘entry-level’ IT security position working with a team of 3 others who were siginificantly higher than ‘entry-level’. I thought “hey, this is great, I’ll sit in my cube, make some pretty drawings and go home at the end of the day” ..

Boy was I wrong!

I’m driving to work today in serious rush hour traffic when my pager starts beeping at me. Its my manager, paging me from his off-site manager’s meeting because he was paged for a ‘priority 2’ issue with a system that I alone support. He shouldn’t have gotten paged before me — he’s third on the list, and I’m second. But I never got the page, and apparently, our first level never responded. Manager’s not too happy.


Manager told the resolution center that we’d update them in 30 minutes, which, by the end of our conversation, meant that I had like 20 minutes to get to work, figure out what’s what and call the RC with some information. And I’m stuck in traffic – I mean, we’re crawling.


I start scrambling. The only phone number I have with me is for one of my team members who’s generally in the office before me. Coworker R doesn’t know anything about this system, but he can at least give me some information and maybe call the RC with status if needed. So, I call. And I get voicemail. I give him a couple minutes, and I call again. And I get voicemail again. And traffic is still crawling.


Ok .. so, here’s me … 6 weeks into the job, and I don’t have a clue what to do. I don’t even have the main office number to call the receptionist and have her start looking for people. Thankfully, while I’m frantically trying to figure out my next move, coworker R pages me from home. Traffic had started moving a bit and I’m starting to feel optimisitc. As I’m trying to read his phone number from the pager and put it into the cell phone, however, I glance up and realize that traffic isn’t moving quite like I thought it was … in fact, traffic ahead is stopped. This means I have to stop – quickly.


In a panic, I hit the brakes, and the ridiculously heavy cisco router on my front seat flys forward and takes out my ashtray that was hanging open. In the spirit of me, I yell “FUCK!” as I reach down to pick up the router. No real harm done, I stopped in time and only my ashtray is damaged. I sigh and then redial coworker R and get the scoop from him on this p2 ticket. Thanks to R for telling the RC that we’d update them at 11:00.


I’m starting to get my calm back after R decides to add the remote access group to the ticket, taking some heat off of us. Still somewhat jumbled in the brain and thinking about the issue while I’m talking to R on the cellphone, I notice the dude in the white pickup truck in front of me has gotten out of his truck and is yelling at me. Throwing up his hands and saying “what’s your fuckin problem?” and other similar intelligent phrases.

Excuse me??

This dude has gotten out of his vehicle during rush hour on the bussiest express way in all of Michigan to yell at me for getting too close to his truck during stop and go traffic? Is this guy for real? By now, traffic ahead had moved on, and he’s there alone, stopping traffic behind me, yelling. I just throw up my hands in a ‘what the fuck’ kind of motion. Eventually, he gets back in his truck and acts like a dick for awhile – you know, driving slow in the left lane, trying to piss me off.

This guy has no idea how completely insignificant he is to me right now.

Finally, I get to work, 25 minutes late. It took me less than 20 minutes to fix the problem and close the ticket. Thanks to rush hour, however, the ticket was open for more than an hour.

Yesterday, I left my house 15 minutes later than I did today and I got to work 15 minutes earlier than I did today. *sigh* I hate rush hour.

Posted in Feelin' Sassy | 1 Comment

muddy canvas

sometimes i get stuck .. i have stories to tell and not enough umph to tell them .. i can’t muster the gumption to type an entry in the ol blog … its like i get creatively blocked .. i don’t like blogging for the sake of blogging .. mindless drivel and play by play descriptions of my days are not what i’m really into doing here ..

i like to write and string words together in a way that rolls out of my fingertips and consequently rolls around the readers brain in an interesting way .. i’ll admit, more often than not, my entries are pretty boring and generally ordinary .. but i try to include a touch of flaire whenever i post here ..

that said, i’m feeling very blocked lately … i’ve got lots swimming around in my noodle, but none of it wants to come out of my fingertips … i’m going to attempt to dump some stuff in the form of topics .. maybe someday i’ll turn these topics into real writing.. maybe not .. i guess only time will tell ..

  • the ass burger – last weekend, dirt and i stopped at our favorite local beer and burger joint for dinner .. normally the burgers are what i drool over .. this night however, it was the ass that fit so nicely on the waitress who was serving us … wow … not very often i see one that i just wanna reach out and grab .. dayum 😉
  • thank you god for all of this food, now lets throw a bunch of it away 1/2 eaten – had a nice thanksgiving dinner with my family yesterday .. my sister was hostess at my father’s house … all the aunts on my mom’s side were in attendance with their husbands and kids .. my one cousin on that side was there as well, and sis (obviously) and her boyfriend played house… the houseowners (mom and dad), however, were enjoying a nice peaceful turkey dinner from the local fancy restaurant in the serene comfort of their marquette home while the snow fell down outside… that’s the way to spend thanksgiving, i think ..
  • bah what? — its not that i hate christmas .. in fact, i used to love the christmas season … i used to really enjoy buying presents for people, i used to put thought into each purchase and get things that had meaing to people .. but its just not the same anymore .. now its all about consumerism, materialism, and being ‘one up’ on the neighbors and other moms in the PTA… christmas doesn’t have the same feeling anymore .. people are not nice to each other, no one is really happy and joyful .. instead, they obsess about getting the best gift (not the right gift, but the best one) .. and to top it all off, southeast michigan has become so consumer oriented that its nearly impossible to get from place to place in a reasonable amount of time during this stupid holiday season because there are just far too many people trying to hit every store humanly possible before the big d-e-c-2-5… its really kind of disgusting ..
  • ok .. well, that’s a start anyway … chew on that for awhile and we’ll see what happens next *shrug*

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    a glitch

    anyone out there got a show they loved as a kid? a favorite show that you waited for from week to week and got excited while watching the new episode? yeah … me too …

    and tonight, when i saw that my tivo is starting to figure me out, i remembered that tingly tense feeling i used to get when i watched *dreamy sigh* buck rogers on tv.

    it was kinda like a weird feeling of de ja vu … where i felt like i knew the characters, but couldn’t remember much about them .. kinda like they’re somewhat distant relatives that you don’t see very much, but kinda think about now and then? i mean .. you’d probably go visit them in the hospital (were they to be hospitalized, god forbid) – as long as they were in a hospital that was within reasonable driving distance … but, you probably wouldn’t go much more than an hour or so out of your way to wish them well .. you’d maybe think about sending flowers, but probaby you never would .. yeah … anywhoot, it was that kinda de ja vu ..

    so, but then… the more i watched, the more bizzare and ridiculous it was .. tacky, cheesy and terribly amusing … i mean … really … what the fuck is this:

    HawkHawk stealth

    i mean, is this not just the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever seen? i tell ya, it sure is up there on my list .. the dude’s wearing a dalmation skin hat and a fun fur fashion shrug over a crazy plastic muscle suit .. talk about conflicted! zoiks!

    and, the storyline didn’t really make a ton of sense … the acting was kinda rough, and the dialog was downright silly .. but it felt so comfortable to watch .. i was so intregued and wished my tivo had recoreded more …

    seems like i remembered more action and humor .. there was more flying around in little ships, combat with guns .. and the robot was much funnier and quirky .. the robot was harldy in the eipsode i saw tonight, and mostly buck and the gang just walked around and fell down a little bit … there was almost a war, but buck got the admiral-who-can-take-his-head-off-and-carry-it-around-with-him to the church on time .. *sigh*

    hopefully 3 thumbs will help tivo expedite the personality process and bring me some more buck & co .. that’d be pretty sweet ..

    its way past my bedtime… gnite folks and go fuck yourselves san diego

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    random thoughts

    since my brain feels mushy, i’m going to jot down some thoughts floating around in it …

  • Guster concert last night : yummy. wish they would have played longer, i could have watched and listened to them for hours and hours. funny thing tho, we’re stuffed in a theater with seats, and surrounded by mostly chics, all dolled up for the occasion .. and someone kept farting .. seriously, every couple of minutes a wave of fart would fill the air.. who says chics don’t fart? (and no, i swear it wasn’t me!)
  • New job: still love it, but its a very bizzare place i work; and very bizzare people… doing alot of techy stuff .. been very hands-on already .. starting to get a handle on things and get comfortable with the environment .. still very much glad i made the switch
  • i’m tired of meeting with ‘sales’ people who get a spot on their nicely pressed shirt (ink, food, coffee, whatever) and then say something like “oh well, my wife will be pissed!” .. don’t these dudes ever do their own laundry? it just seems so antiquated..
  • i work in a much larger office building than i used to and work for a much larger company. coming in to work in the morning, or back from lunch in the afternoon, or sometimes, just walking around the building, i see very well dressed business-type people who can’t seem to stare long enough at me before i’m out of site. i sense they often want to ask ‘excuse me, are you in the right place? i don’t think you’re supposed to be here’ .. i’m not sure how to feel abou this, but when talking with a coworker about it today, he said “good, they need to figure out that they’re not all there is in the professional world” (or something to that affect, he’s not the most eliquent of sorts – this coworker of mine). unfortunately, the looks make me feel very self-conscious and have almost made me reconsider my corporate hippie look. but, in the end, i got this job – dreadlocks, facial piercings and all – because of what i can bring to the company. these other saps can go fuck themselves.
  • although i feel bad for my friends at the old company who have to make up for the lack of network admin, i get a good smile and chuckle out of knowing that they haven’t been able to find a suitable replacement for me yet. also, knowing that at least one consultant has gone awol and another’s short term agreement has expired, leaving the ‘ol gang in a serious pickle just makes it that much sweeter. i can’t help it, does anyone really want to know that they could be replaced in a week? come on …
  • iceman is the day after tomorrow. i haven’t ridden my bike since saturday. and i doubt i’ll get on it tonight either. ugh. i have a sneaking suspicion that i’m going to have another miserable race like o2s. that’s just disheartening. if i hadn’t paid $50 in fucking MARCH for this entry, i’d consider skipping the bike part and just do the beer part. *sigh*
  • allrighty … that’s about all i’ve got right now … i’m going to go hunt down a snack i think …

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    Thrill Rides

    Cedar Point has a new ride for 2005 … which swings riders back and forth in a seemingly out-of-control pendulum motion while rotating counter-clockwise; at the peak of the pendulum movement that reaches a maximum speed of 70 mph, riders are upside down 140 feet high above the ground.

    I was at Cedar Point a couple of weekends ago and I chose not to ride this ride. I didn’t really feel the need to wait in line for 1+ hours to physically feel what I’ve been mentally feeling since early August.

    Recently, my friends have been wondering if they should contact my local police and file a missing person’s report because I’ve just not been hitting my regular social scene (which basically means I’ve not been super responsive to emails, and especially unresponsive to voicemails). I’ve been jumping from one thing to the next, leaving me feeling like my head was swinging “back and forth in a seemingly out-of-control pendulum motion while rotating counter-clockwise”

    It started with Ore to Shore in early August – a long weekend in the UP with Jess and Mom. Followed shortly (VERY SHORTLY) thereafter by our fantastic Oregon trip – 11 days of travel, including a whirlwind camping, biking and touristing adventure. In my first week of returning from my Oregon bliss, while contimplating and planning our ‘off-the-grid’ fugure, I found myself once again interviewing for a job that I thought was long since lost. Meanwhile, financial problems (due to complete lack of attention to bill collectors, and not so much from lack of funds) created severe stress. Toss in a blown engine in the Jeep (enter serious price tag on getting that fixed), sending the oldest off to college (paying for housing & amenities, and dealing with the ex-wife in the process), and not yet being able to pay for my fantastic new bike (and therefore, having to leave it at the bike shop after every ride) for spice.

    Now, all of this alone is alot to process, in my opinion. But then I was offered the new job. So, I’ve got all this other stuff going on in my (already fragile to the point of medication) mental world and now I have to figure out how to leave Harman after 5 years and start something new and scary. I have to say, that overall, I think I’ve dealt with it all quite well. I mean, I won’t deny a blow up here and there, but seriously .. I came out better than I definitely could have ..

    I think the ride is finally over. I’ve unbuckled the silly seatbelt and have started to exit the structure. I’m still a little weak in the knees, wobbly and dizzy, but I’m starting to get my bearings now. And with that, I want to say thanks to my pal and soulmate that I married for being so patient, supportive and helpful. Thanks to the rest of my best pals for waiting on the sidelines for me to return to society. The occasional ‘you still alive’ ping was much appreciated and knowing that you’d all still be there whenever I surfaced is touching and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

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    "C'mon, you're being very un-Dude…"

    As ‘hippie’ as I try to be, recycling is someplace I continually fall short. I admit, right here, right now, I throw away returnable bottles, use paper plates more than washable ones, and toss magazines and newspapers in the same plastic garbage bag as everything else.

    I’ve been thinking lately, that I should make an effort. I just haven’t actually made the first step. This article below was in our company newsletter (i added the image for effect) …

    graphic of the recycling symbol with the words REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE and REBUY

    If you believe that life just wonÂ’t be the same without a hard copy of this weekÂ’s fascinating factoids about paper recycling, think about this:

    Every year more than 900 million trees are cut down to provide raw materials for American paper and pulp mills.
    Americans use more than 67 million tons of paper annually, which is about 580 pounds per person.
    Every Sunday, Americans throw away 90 percent of recyclable newspapers, which wastes half a million trees.
    Every day U.S. businesses generate enough paper to circle the earth 20 times.
    Paper products make up the largest part —approximately 40 percent — of our trash.
    There is good news, however (and it has nothing to do with saving money on your car insurance):

    A single tree can filter up to 60 pounds of pollutants from the air each year. Recycling just one ton of paper saves 17 trees (not to mention 380 gallons of oil, three cubic yards of landfill space, 4,000 kilowatts of energy and 7,000 gallons of water).
    Making recycled paper uses 64 percent less energy and 58 percent less water than making new paper.
    In 1990 we recycled 28 percent of the paper produced in the U.S.; by 2000, that number had increased to more than 45 percent.
    Visit the Michigan Recycling Coalition or the Environmental Protection Agency web sites for more information on what you can do to help AmericaÂ’s recycling effort.

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    daily sludge

    its mornings like today when i find myself longing for the days when i don’t have to rely on a certain sized paycheck to pay my bills … driving to work on days like today helps to solidify my plan to check out of this crazy society and become better friends with mother nature and personal relaxation ..

    yesterday morning, i left the house at 6:40 am … i pulled in to the office parking lot at 7:30 am (for the mathmatically challenged, that’s a 50 minute drive) .. today, i had a little trouble getting out of bed and therefore left the house a mere 10 minutes later and i didn’t make it to the parking lot until 8am (for those of you following along at home, that would make today’s drive 70 minutes). One hour and ten minutes to move only 38 miles.

    i ride a mountain bike in the woods for many reasons, not the least of which is because it helps me deal with suburban life by allowing me to romp in nature on a regular basis. mountain biking is supposed to release me from the chaos of consumerism and allow me zen relaxation. while this is true for the duration of the ride itself, the events leading up to, and follwing the ride often leave much to be desired.

    here’s the scenario …
    i wake up very very early in the morning to try and beat traffic and hit the office early. theoretically, if i make it to the office early enough, i can leave the office earlier in the afternoon to beat traffic on my way home. so, i get home, and start rushing around to grab all of my gear and get it into the truck (shorts, jersey, sports bra, socks, shoes, gloves, helmet, bike, hydration – plus, the extras for fall/cooler weather – arm warmers, leg warmers/tights, vest/jacket, helmet light and battery .. and don’t forget warm dry clothes to throw on after the ride)…

    if i’m lucky, i have all of this stuff clean and handy .. more often than not tho, its scattered about the house from the ride before.

    after running around the house like a crazy person for awhile, its back in the truck to fight traffic for another ridiculously long period of time, because now its rush hour … finally, we reach our destination and run around some more getting ready and situated for the ride — hoping that you’ve remembered all the parts and pieces, and that you’re light is charged and working.

    then we ride, which is generally fabulous, fun, relaxing, social, and exhilirating.

    when the ride is over, there’s often a good amount of socialization, sometimes we go for food and drink, sometimes, we just head home … either way, its generally well after 8pm, sometimes closer to 9 .. going out with the group is a fun and easy answer to dinner .. bringing us home just in time to go to bed, because, you know .. i have to get up super early the next day to get to work ..

    often, we head home ourselves and are left to figure out what to do for dinner. generally, there’s enough food at home that i could cook something up. but, its late and dark, and most likely, there’s so many dirty dishes that i’d have to wash a bunch just to cook with and eat on. so, we drive through some fast-food restaurant and buy something full of processed chemicals and preservatives, not to mention fat and cholesterol. we take it home, sit on the couch and watch some silly TV while eating our fast food. last night, i actually cooked after a ride .. and it was nice, but it didn’t change the scenario much ..

    but, before i knew it, it was 11:00 and i was falling asleep on the couch. and so, it was time to go to bed — not a single stitch knitted. not a single style sheet edited. my sweaty bike clothes are in a ball on the dining room floor — because, you know, i have to get up super early the next day to get to work ..

    someday, i’ll be able to ride to my favorite trail, whenever i want, right out my front door. that’s the thought that keeps me going.

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    when you dream, there are no rules

    Nearly 5 years ago, I was hired to be an IT Support Analyst. I was hired based on my experience with cisco networking and understanding of network concepts. It was agreed that IÂ’d grow into a network support role and ended up following my job description around from week to week as it changed based on the vision of the IT director.

    Even after being promoted to Network Administrator in 2003, I never felt like I had the credibility of a network professional and was never given the opportunity to design/maintain/implement network services based on industry standards and best practices. Often, I felt like my opinion or knowledge was not accepted until it was validated by a consultant or other members of the IT organization.

    I’ve been accused of not being a team player, of being unprofessional and proprietary, my dedication to the job has been questioned, and my technical abilities have been ignored. I have lived and breathed this organization for almost 5 years, and I’ve rarely gotten a “thank you” or “good job”. I continually received less than satisfactory annual reviews despite my efforts to understand the expectations that were put upon me. In fact, I NEVER had a clear understanding expectations of my daily tasks and feel that my job responsibilities and description have changed more times than I can even realize.

    In the end, I realized that my effectiveness was completely used up and therefore, it was time to go. Just over a month shy of my 5 year anniversary, I started a new job and, what feels like, a new life.

    I spent my last 2 weeks wondering if I’d made the right decision. I didn’t have to sit in my new desk for 10 minutes before I realized that this job is different than any other I’ve had, and yes, this was a good decision. I was imediately welcomed as a member of the team. I felt supported and needed. I felt respected and involved.

    Today is day 2 and I can honestly say that I’ve left the old place behind. I came to work early. I parked in a new parking lot and let myself into a new building with my new ID Access Badge and, being the first to arrive today, I turned on the lights in a new office area. And I had a cheezy grin on my face the whole time. Why would I grin about coming to work early and turning on lights? Because I realized that sometimes the only option there is, is to try something new.

    I’d spent so much time — wasted so much time — banging my head against a virtual wall, hoping someone would listen to me, would respect me enough to acknowlege me that I forgot that anything else was possible. This morning, I remembered that there is more to life than that old place and so, I welcomed myself to my new life.

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    Hello world!

    Forgive the mess, trying out something new ……

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