I'm very proud of my friends

I know I’m late in posting my weekly post (I’m shooting for Thursday/Friday) – but I have good reason.  I was up near Manistee from Thursday to Sunday for vacation/Lumberjack 100 .  No, I did not race the Lumberjack 100.  I did, however, ride a lap of the “outer loop” – which is the 17 mile stretch of singletrack of the 25 mile Lumberjack lap.  I came away from the outer loop with an ugly bruise on my chin, a sore and bloody knee and several other bruises that I kept finding throughout the weekend.



I’d had a spectacular endo and kind of took my bike with me – I’m pretty sure all of my bruises are from the bike.  I landed on my back with the bike on top of me.  But, I think I was due.  Its been a long time since I’ve had my bell rung like that and in a very sick and twisted sort of way, it was kind of fun.

But what I REALLY want to say is – congratulations to all my Lumberjack peeps!

Mr. Jon Heft finished 1 hour and 18 minutes faster than last year and rode strong all day.  He finished hard at 9 hours and 30 seconds.

This was Erik’s second attempt at Lumberjack after a rough time last year.  He trained hard for this race and it paid off with a 12 hour and 30 minute finish time.

Steve Dale’s wife & son turned up in the tent before he came in from lap 3.  I think it was exactly the motivation he needed to finish the race.  He and our new teammate by proxy, Denis rode lap 4 together and pulled each other through.  They finished in 10 hours, 44 minutes.

Denis, by the way, had a nasty crash 2 weeks ago rode this race with broke 3 ribs.

Denis is a friend of our California Trails-Edge contingent, Pat.  Pat moved from Brighton to Santa Cruz a couple of years ago and forgot what humidity is like ;)  He had some pretty bad leg cramps that pulled him out of the race after 83 miles.  He dug deep for that last 8 mile loop to try and give it one last shot.

Steve Steinberg finished his first Lumberjack crossing the finish line with his son Brent at 10 hours, 15 minutes.

Rick Bowling is fantastic.  At 56, he’s only been racing a couple of years and he finished this thing like a champ in 12 hours, 21 minutes.

Rob Ritzenhein gets mad props for attempting this beast in the first fucking place.  You da man who’s gonna beat this thing next year.

Mike Campbell finished his first attempt in all his baby-shower glory and a finish time of 9 hours and 42 minutes.  Soupy rides a beautiful pink Bianchi PUSS like I used to have (sadly, his team kit is baby blue – hence, baby shower).  Rocking the trail on a 26″ SS.

Steve Kinley tearing it up again.  Steve had a rough run last year and had to pull out after 2 laps.  I think this year, he might have even smiled while finishing in 9 hours and 28 minutes.

Robert Herriman pulled off a spectacular 9th place finish after starting in last place.  His seatpost clamp busted just as he hit the dirt and he had to turn back to his car to replace the post.  He passed ~230 people on his first lap and worked his way up to the top 10.  Fucking Awesome.  He finished in 7 hours and 48 minutes.  And, I don’t doubt for a second that he thanked every one of those people he passed.  Robert is stand-up.

I shoved Hammer Gel and Endurolytes at Chris Goddard until he finished his first Single Speed Lumberjack in 4th place.  Before the race I asked what he was shooting for as a lap time.  He said if all went well, he was shooting for 2 hours.  Let me tell you, Chris is consistent.  All of his laps were within minutes of 2 hours.  He finished in 8 hours, 6 minutes.

Danielle Musto is bad ass.  Our tent was next to theirs and I really enjoied watching her come through the pits.  I really admire Danielle because she seems to be a such great advoate for women mountain bike racers.  She’s tough, but friendly and is always encouraging to newer or slower riders.  So, I totally apologize for staring in a fan-girl sort of way *blush*.

She came into the pits after lap 2, jossled, shaken and bloody.  There were no bandaids, there was no hesitation – she swapped camelbacks, ate some gels while Scott refilled her pockets with fresh ones, and she was on her way.  Danielle finished 3rd at 8 hours, 46 minutes.

Sometimes I toy with the idea of trying to do this race.  Sometimes I think I’m just crazy to ever even consider it.  One lap of the 17 mile loop was all I could manage at one time this weekend.  I can’t really comprehend the enormity of doing 4 full laps when I can barely comprehend doing 1 full lap.  I think I might work toward doing 2 full laps this time next year and go from there.

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Over the past few months, I’ve sort of “checked out” of the cyber-world.  Trying to keep up with too much noise on the internet was starting to cause problems for me at work, and so I shut it all down.  I really needed to figure out how to focus.

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First to go was the MMBA forums, and I can’t say that I’ve missed them at all.  It was where I spent most of my time – and there was really no value in it.  Without the MMBA forum to start me rolling, it was easy to let go of the other forums I browsed.  I was surprised how quickly I detached from ask.metafilter.com, which was another huge time-waster for me.  Facebook became out of control quickly as my friend list just kept growing and growing and I was drowning in status updates.  So, it was easy to stop going there all together.  I have a few friends set up for SMS notification when they update, and that was the only real Facebook contact I’ve had.  I’d already lost the attention span it takes to update the blog due to the Facebook storm, so that was an easy one to go.  Sadly, though, I also stopped reading my friends’ blogs as well.

Well, it has been a nice hiatus, but I realize I can’t go on like this forever.   While I really have no intentions of going back to any forums, I’ve figured out how to streamline Facebook a bit so that I only see updates from people that I’m really interested in seeing updates from.   Soon I plan to revisit my google reader and focus that on what’s most important to me.  I’ve got so many subscriptions in my google reader that its just too overwhelming to think about right now. (focus, Marty,  focus).

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And today, I’m reintroducing myself to my blog.

I’ve decided, though, to make a change.  I’m obviously no good at the “daily life of me” blog.  Things happen every day that I think about turning into blog posts, but I can’t compose them into a blog post quickly enough that they’ll still make sense in the context of my life.  By the time I sit down long enough to think about posting on a subject, it feels old and irrelevant.  So, I’m eliminating the concept of time as having relevance on this blog.  Instead, I will post once per week – no more, no less – about a topic.  There will still be the occasional ride posts, and in the winter, there may be more knitting posts as well.  But for the most part, I’m going to try to focus my posts.

I want to use this blog to explore the conflicts, resolutions and general encounters I experience while living a lifestyle I call “Corporate Hippy”.  To keep focus, I plan to write on the following topics:

  • Cube Farm life
  • Commuting
  • Dreadlocks
  • Body Art
  • Biking
  • Knitting
  • Technology
  • Personal

I hope to really stick with this, and I hope you stick with me too!

Posted in corporate hippy | 3 Comments

How to turn 34 in style

This time last year, Ray’s Mountain Bike Park held a women only day at the park.  It was on a Friday and my friend Kristi was planning on going.  She and I went down together on Friday, stayed overnight and the boys came down to meet us on Saturday.

I didn’t think I was going to be able to go this year because of the MMBA annual meeting on Sunday – in Lansing this year.  But, when we were at Ray’s a few weeks ago, Nick suggested I go just for the Friday-women-only part.  For some reason, it hadn’t occurred to me.  Kristi was game, and so I took the day off work and we hit the road at 7:30 am yesterday.  A great way to spend my birthday, I say.

I just can’t seem to express how great this place is.  And to be able to go there on a day when its not open to the public (read: really crowded) is just so fantastic.  And then, to have awesome women instructors in every section is the best birthday present I could have asked for.  I had a great time .. for a little while ..

Before lunch, I was working on the rock garden in the beginner room and after a clean run through, I went for a little more speed on my second run.  Well, I lost my line and as I was falling, I put my foot down .. and my ankle twisted .. then my knee twisted .. and then the whole leg collapsed underneath me ..

Years ago, I sprained my knee while downhill skiing .. I don’t think it ever fully recovered ..

So, I was laying on the rocks, my leg collapsed underneath me, and my bike on top of me – I was kind of still “strattling” the bike – with my left leg underneath me, and my right leg still over the bike.  I was stuck.  And as I was trying to straighten my left leg, I felt exactly the same (although MUCH less intense) as when I was laying on that ski hill .. I was pretty sure my day was done at that point ..

So, we hung out for lunch and swag and Kristi went out to ride some more .. I was gonna use my fancy camera and grab some video .. I was heading into the intermediate area when I saw a group of women looking concerned over a women who had fallen.  It was Kristi.  She’d gotten caught with no momentum at the end of a line and as her bike was slowly-coming-to-a-screaching-hault, she had somehow managed to twist her ankle – one that she had sprained badly in September or October.  So, she hobbled back to the table where our stuff was, and we decided it was time to call it a day 😉

Regardless – it was a fantastic day.  I got to spend ~30-45 minutes in the pump track (its usually too crowded to go near the pump track there) .. and I worked on a line in the intermediate room that I was scared of – and totally cleaned it 3 times in a row.  I cleaned the rock garden in the beginner room on my first shot (also usually too crowded to try).  I met some fantastic women, and there were quite a few women back from last year – which was really cool.

I absolutely, highly recommend this event – its already scheduled for the same weekend next year!  Nina and Dirt Rag put on a really great event and all of the women are so energetic, patient and supportive.  It is really a welcoming environment for women of ANY level.  Fantastic!  Happy Birthday to ME!

And, the knee will be allright.  With some ice and ibuprophen, I was pretty mobile as long as I was careful – walking is fine, but I have to be very careful to not twist or turn.  Stairs and downhills are tough because its very wobbly and doesn’t want to take the weight of me by itself.  But – it was no problem driving home (We took the pickup – manual transmission – clutch – heh).   Hopefully I’ll still be able to spin on the trainer …

All in all – a great way to turn 34!

Posted in biking hippy, corporate hippy, life hippy, Like, groove on this, man | 1 Comment

How to have fun in the winter time .. an essay

I have been quiet lately, because I’ve been working on this.

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9 years ago today



I’m pretty lucky.  I married my best friend.  We still laugh at each other’s jokes and he’s still the last voice I want to hear before I fall asleep at night.  We enjoy each other’s company and friendship.  I look forward to the next 9 years.  Happy Anniversary, baby.

Posted in life hippy | 2 Comments

femine kunundrum

Every few years or so, I make an attempt to present myself in more stylish, feminine fashion.  By this I mean, nicer clothes to work (ie – not hoodie sweatshirts and cargo pants), and perhaps some makeup.  My last attempt didn’t last too long since I was going for skirts most days and that just got tiring after awhile.  Also – the makeup thing was always too much of a bother.  And a few years ago, I switched jobs to a place that is really pretty relaxed and casual.

Ok.  I admit that it is more than just the timing of “every few years” that has sparked my latest attempt to pull my fashionable female shit together.  I’ve recently been indulging my guilty pleasure that is TLC’s What Not to Wear.  And, while I realize these two host people are utterly ridiculous, they do make people look fabulous.  And .. I’ll say that a) I’ve actually learned some things about clothes, makeup, and myself from watching this show and b) I often look at the wardrobes that they’re “throwing away” thinking “uh .. that could be my wardrobe” .. heh ..

Perhaps there is some girl in me after all.

So, I’ve been dressing a little better at work (not so much of skirts, but I actually bought girl pants that fit an flatter .. who knew?).  And .. I’ve bought all new makeup and have been doing pretty well with it.  Nothing fancy, mostly eye liner/shadow/mascara .. which leads me to the real reason for this post and the source of said kunundrum.



I think I was in my 20s before I ever applied mascara.  I was always scared of it.  I’ve found that I really love the way mascara looks.  But I hate wearing it.  I hate applying it.  And, I really suck at both.  Questions for those few women friends I do have:

1 – I can’t seem to apply it without making a mess.  I blink and its on my cheekbones, I get it on my hands on my eyelids .. and I don’t think I’m using a lot .. any tips for applying? cuz .. I seem to be utterly clueless..

2 – I feel it on my eyelashes all day .. they feel heavy and sticky .. and I really don’t think I’m putting to much on .. I mean, its not all clumpy or anything .. is this normal?  Do I just get used to it?

3 – What about exercise and sweating?  It just seems like so much work to have to clean my face before exercise .. but .. Its kind of gross when I start sweating and wiping my face .. blech ..

see .. I hate the stuff … I want to not wear it, but I really like the way my eyes look when I do .. *sigh* .. its a lot more work to be a girl ..

Posted in life hippy | 2 Comments

love-hate relationship

I drive a 2002 Jeep Liberty Sport.  Its survived 207k+ miles so far and just had its 5th set of tires installed.  Its been paid off for 2 years now, and seems to keep getting me where I need to go.  It has been, however, begging for attention over the past few months.

I’ve got a good support structure in place for this beast though.  I stick to the same Uncle Ed’s Oil Change store where the manager now recognizes me when I come in – I’m probably there twice as often as any other customers because of how quickly I burn through the miles.  I like to call these guys my “triage”.  They change the oil, but also do a great job of finding problems that I can’t hear or see.

Like, in September when they replaced my serpentine belt that was demolished, and found that I had a chunk missing out of one of my engine crank pulleys.  And again in December when they found that my water pump was leaking.

So, I generally go from Uncle Eds to Protech Automotive.  Protech are my all-purpose mechanics who’ve done a great job of keeping me on the road.  This week, they replaced my front and rear pinion seals.  Sooner or later, I’ll let them replace my transfer case.

Protech doesn’t do tires … but, I’ve had a great relationship with Bell Tire and I don’t even bother shopping around for prices anymore – they always seem to be the best deal no matter how much looking I do.

I’d really been pushing the limits on that last set of tires.  I really should have replaced them when I had the shocks & strutts replaced in May, but I’d decided to just have them rotated instead.  I had planned on getting new tires before the winter, but so many other things came up (including Nick needing new tires on his pickup) that I just kept pushing it off.

With the weather being so bad lately, I’d decided that I needed to get new tires soon, but when I had it at Protech the other day, getting the pinion seals replaced and having them look at what I thought was a bad wheel bearing, they sternly recommended new tires.  I took that as my cue.

I knew it was bad, and could feel the sketchiness when driving, but I didn’t realize just how bad it had actually gotten until I drove home from Bell Tire yesterday and I wasn’t scared.  It really felt like I was driving a whole new vehicle.  It was amazing.  At first I thought it was all in my head, but when Nick was driving it later on, he completely agreed.  Its really solid and smooth now.  Heh.

But alas, here I am again, waiting for the Jeep.  I’m still getting some weird dragging noise, and I figured I’d have the alignment checked – but they took it for a drive and don’t hear the dragging noise.  Which means, I’ll probably take it back to Protech again next week to have THEM listen to the dragging noise *sigh* .

Its great to have  a support system, but its tiring to keep having to call on them.

Posted in life hippy | 1 Comment

i can has siesta?

I realize the irony of posting about how I’ll probably be posting more, and then, not posting for a week.  I really do.  But, alas, life is hectic at times, and this week left me burnt out and fried.  Work has been really busy.  I’d gotten really behind on projects and day-to-day maintenance at work as I had some big projects and issues that took a lot of my attention for most of the fall.  And, just before Christmas, one of our team members quit, and his position isn’t going to be filled because we’re in a big time spending freeze.  So, same amount of work, one less person.  The math is easy.

Now, I do kind of like being busy at work.  It makes the time fly and I generally walk away feeling kind of like I’ve accomplished something, rather than the defeat I felt for most of the fall.  But, it really really wears me out.  I almost feel out of breath sometimes, just from thinking so hard.

But, at least my commutes have been nice and slow.


I saw a lot of this, this week.

Actually, most of the week wasn’t to bad.  But, I did have a 2+ hour drive home and a 2+ hour drive in – all in one week.  Ugh.

Als0 very busy outside of work this week.  On Monday we had our Metro North Chapter meeting, and on Tuesday Katie, Kristi and I had a girl-date with coffee and yarn.  Katie wanted to learn to knit and all Kristi and I needed was an excuse (coffee and yarn?  hell yeah, I’m so there).  They even came to the ‘clem!  It was wonderful and super fun.  For some reason though, not a single picture.  I had the stupid camera, but forgot all about it.  Jessica calls it camnesia.  Anywhoo, Katie did a great job and it was really fun.  I think we’re going to try and make it a semi-regular thing.

Wednesday was supposed to be a spin night at Mike’s place, but it was one of my 2 hour commutes, so we didn’t make it over there.  We opted for spinervals at home and pasties for dinner – YUM! (thanks Kristi, we’re still eating our treasures from August, with 2 left still!!!).

Thursday was nice and mello.  I had a pretty decent drive home.  I detoured a bit to stop and pickup a new toy for Nick at MicroCenter, then went to Meijer for some essentials, and bought good steaks for dinner.  Nick had an MMBA state board meeting, so I just watched a little TV and surfed the web some while he was on his call.  It was a really nice, quiet evening.

Last night, we were supposed to spin at Mikes again, but by the time we got there, Mike and Jon were already on the slacker train to veg-ville.  The game was called on a count of lazy and we just watched The Hulk instead of spinning to it.  I must admit, I was looking forward to the spinning, but kind of glad for the downtime.

This morning was slow, we met Nick’s folks in Richmond for breakfast and then hit up Hamilton Bikes to do some chapter/MMBA schmoozing and check the place out.  Its a nice little store, and Dave is a cool dude.

Later on, we met the Scurrs for an early dinner at the original Luigi’s in Harrison Twp.  As is the case when we’re together, it was a nice long dinner – 3 hours of eating and gabbing.  This is what we do best ;)  I’m always amazed that we’re able to accomplish anything as a group – get to a destination on time, get to a destination at all – but we manage, quite well, actually.  And we generally have a great time doing it.  We’re already planning some vacations into 2010 – something about sailboats ..

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our friends, the scurrs!

And now I’m just hanging out in my wonderful desk chair (yep, still in love), doing the computer thing.  Tomorrow, we’re going shoeshoing in all this wonderful snow we got today!


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more about the chair

I’m addicted to my new chair.  Seriously.  I bet I’ve spent more time in the office, at my computer in the past 5 days than I have in the past year.

Yesterday I went to office max to get some “desk accessories” to help with the insane amount of clutter and piles of papers that had formed over time.  See, since I have a laptop, I don’t need to use my desk unless I want to use the big (22″ flat panel) monitor.  And, since I was always so uncomfortable at my desk, I rarely bothered to plug in and hang out there.  Therefore, it was real easy for my desk to become a drop zone for things that otherwise had no home.

I needed a place to put the papers/files/bills/notepads/etc.. that was a bit more organized without being tedious.  Also, I’ve just got my laptop sitting on my desk, and I have to seriously resist the urge to pile papers on top of it when its there.  Since I’ve been plugged in for a couple of weeks now, it was starting to collect things.

In my mind, I was looking for something that would let me put the laptop on top, and have some kind of storage underneath.  But I couldn’t find anything useful for that in the store.  I did, however, find a neat little rack/shelf/inbox thingy that let me put the laptop on the bottom “shelf” and use the other shelves to put things on.


Turns out, its pretty perfect for what I needed.  I was also able to sort out my monsterous cable situation and I’ve loosly budled and velcro’d the cables to the back of the rack.  This way, they won’t fall behind the desk when they’re not attached to the laptop.  I’m really happy with how it turned out.

I also bought a file storage thingy for the other side of my desk where the big piles were.  While my desk is still more cluttered than I’d like it to be, its way more organized than its been in .. well .. ever..


The end result is, I’m spending much more time at my desk and starting to become a bit more productive.  You may have noticed a bit more action (albeit not overly exciting) on my blog lately, and if you follow my flickr feed, you’ll see a lot going on there as well.

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Crazy Friday

The first full work week after the crazy holiday season ended with a bang.  I’ve been having trouble getting back into the swing of real work now that people are back in the office.  I didn’t get a whole lot accomplished this week, but started gaining a bit of traction on Wednesday.  But then, the week was broken up by a last-minute training class yesterday in Southfield for my whole team, and I started today with some big-time catching up to do.  The holidays are over, its time to get serious again.

My phone started ringing within minutes of my computer booting up today.  Looking at the area code, I knew it was from Grand Rapids and was pretty sure it was Jerry, calling to ask about some VPN or other; I answered anyway ;)  I dug up the paperwork on the new VPN he needs built and sent an email to the contact at the other end.  Just in time for my phone to ring again.  I’ve been trying to coordinate with an IT consultant to build a VPN for a small medical office to connect to us since June, and my customer called to ask me to please, if I could find it in my heart, could I try to call this guy one more time?  I decide to wait on that for a bit and tackle (what I expect to be) a quick NAT issue for Des Moines.  I read the ticket, call the customer and get the details – all signs pointed to easy cheezy, til I look in the firewall and see that the NAT already exists.  Which means, something’s broke.  Turns out, this is something that USED to work, and STOPPED working – not something that never worked.  It took all kinds of email digging, reading, digging, reading to come to that conclusion.  Heh.  Thanks for the info, dude.

Next, I got a call from Livonia about a website that -just-wasn’t-loading- from within our network.  It worked fine for the rest of the world, but not from inside my little slice of hell.  Let me tell you, this was a stumper.  I banged away on this for awhile and when all signs pointed to DNS, I handed off to our DNS keeper and I decided it was lunch time.

So, I’m back from the cafeteria and I’ve got all kinds of email resonses from the DNS keeper and none of them are useful.  My lunch sits uneaten as I’ve jumped back into troubleshooting mode.  Eventually, I had a brainstorm that lead me to solve the website problem (way to geeky for this here crowd, I’m afraid I’ve lost many already).  I fixed it.  I emailed my customer.  I started eating my lunch.  I opened the fancy-dancy new MMBA forum site for the first time today.  Life is good.  Tomato soup and web surfing.  Yes!

I’m 1/2 way through my bowl of tomato soup and looking forward to my tuna pasta salad when Jack walks by with his laptop and says “you comin?”.  As in – 1:00 team meeting.  Shit.  Damn.  Fuck.

“yeah, I’ll be there in a few minutes”

I finish the soup, leave the pasta salad, grab my laptop and go.  An hour and a half later, I’m back to my desk, digging in to my room-temperature lunch.  I’m thinking I might be able to finally work on that thing for Howie that I told him would be done on Wednesday.  But, then I get an email about that NAT problem.  I try a few more things and offer a couple of suggestions.  Then I realized that I never called my long lost IT consultant, so I figure I’ll do that now.  If I’m lucky, I’ll get voice mail.

No voicemail, but I made contact and set a date to complete the build and test.  Then I sent the update email, which sparked another phone call.  The phone call sparked another email.  And now its 3:30 and snowing out.  Not a chance I’ll be out around 4 to beat the rush.

Finally, I start to work on that thing for Howie, when Mark comes in my cube to talk about the wrench that was just thrown in our plan for our next maintenance window in a couple of weeks.  The 4 of us met earlier to decide what we were going to tackle during our next big outage window (we only get 1 per quarter, so we have to plan wisely) and came up with a really good plan.  Only to find out later in the day that the hardware is not what we thought it was.  I’m not sure why this was such an emergency that we had to get it sorted out TODAY, at 4:00 on a FRIDAY, but alas .. here we were.

We’d gotten most of it sorted out by 4:15, basically with “well, we need to talk to Rob and he’s already gone” and I started shutting down and putting my coat on.  But the conversation just wan’t over for those who were a bit behind.  And, as much as I kept saying “we’ll talk about it on Monday and get it sorted out”, my poor lonely office mate just wanted to keep talking about it today.  *sigh*

Its 4:25 and I’m finally walking out to my jeep.

I made it home sometime around 6:30.

This was a long, crazy day.

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