
Its funny how, in 2008, Nick and I each bought 2 new bikes, a big ass HD DLP TV and HD Tivo, a blu-ray player and bought each other new cameras for Christmas – but we’ve been nearly torturing ourselves with hand-me-down desk chairs in our office.  My chair was a freebe.  When the local Knights of Columbus closed down (when I was in high school), my dad helped them empty their “lodge” since my grandpa was a long-time member.  Well, dad came home that day with a bunch of old desk chairs, some file cabinets, a big heavy desk and a 6′ tall metal knight statue thing (I’m not kidding – he called it Bobby).  I inherited one of the desk chairs.  Somewhere along the line, one of the legs got bent and so it wobbled, and didn’t move very well.  In short, it sucked.


My old desk chair - I'm pretty sure its from the 70s

Nick, on the other hand, has been sitting on a chair that he bought at an estate sale several years ago.  Its a really awesome chair, but has been stuck at a super-high height that was just OK for Nick and terrible for me.  Also, its got really high arms that don’t fit under any desk, so he was limited as to how close he could pull himself to his desk.


Nick's old chair - bought at an estate sale.

Well, I’ve finally had enough.  Staples had a sale on all of their chairs, and I splurged a whopping $70 each on new chairs for us.  Let me tell you – its a small upgrade that I wish I would have done a long time ago becuase it is freaking wonderful.



This is my new desk chair. Please excuse the messy desk.

Let this be a lesson to me.  It doesn’t have to be Aeron or bust.  Sometimes, a small upgrade is good enough.  Heh.  Who knew?


Nick's enjoying his new chair in the sunshine.

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Testing ..

Testing a new wordpress plugin that lets me easily add pics from flickr.  Pretty slick!


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Introducing .. 2009

This year, Nick and I finally made it out to the New Years Day ride that The Sherp hosts annually from the shop.  Thanks to Nick’s great planning, we were mostly packed and ready to go the next day, so we were out the door even earlier than necessary on Thursday morning.

It was pretty cold and really windy, but 21 of us braved the weather and celebrate the start of a new year (or surviving the old one) and we rolled around on our bikes for a couple of hours, with a coffee shop stop in Northville to round it all out.  It was really a great way to start out the new year, and it felt great to be out on the bike, getting some fresh air!





We both had to work on Friday and generally turned into hermits when we got home.  It was a really nice, really mellow pizza and movie night.

Saturday, Jon had organized a dog-friendly hike at Stony.  Jon (& Graham), Mike (& Louie), Kristi & Erik (& Peppe) and Nick & me (& Chilli) walked some snowy and somewhat icy singletrack on what turned out to be a really beautiful day!  When we were hanging out on top of Mount Sheldon, Pete and Lloyd came riding up the doubletrack – brave soldiers that they are.





The hike was followed up by burgers at the Shamrock in Utica – my favorite end to any outdoor activity!

And today marked the beginning of serious indoor biking.  We’re finally situated in the basement with bikes and rowing machine, and today was the first spin at home (we’ve been to Mike’s for spinning a few times though).   At some point this week, I need to investigate our gym – its kind of a long story, but the old, roached out gym that we belonged to went out of business and there’s a new gym in its place that’s much cleaner looking and probably has nicer equipment.  We’re still paying for the membership, I guess the new place bought the members too, so I’d like to check it out and see if its a place I might actually go, or cancel the membership.  I’d love it if they’ve got enough working treadmills that I could count on having one at 6:00 am every day.

I generally hate the idea of “new years resolutions” because – if you’re serious about change, you shouldn’t wait until new years to do it ..but.. since I’ve reached a new perspective on life and exercise right before new years, I will say that in 2009, I plan on exercising at least 60 minutes every day, 6 days per week.  I already know I *can* do it, the question is, *will* I do it?

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Congratulations, you've met the 200K Holiday Challenge!

Congratulations, you've met the 200K Holiday Challenge!

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its all a hill from here

I haven’t posted a “Holiday Challenge” update in awhile, actually, I haven’t posted anything at all in awhile.  I haven’t been hiding, but I have been busy.  In fact, I’ve been relatively active on the twitter and the facebook and even the flickr – just not on the wordpress blog.   Hopefully, magic lifestream code will help consolidate these online ramblings at a future date when I have a more comfortable working environment at home (re: I need a new desk chair, very very badly and hate to spend a lot of time at my desk right now because my chair is so bad).  But alas, I digress.

I’ve fallen behind on the rowing meters somewhat lately since we’ve started our winter spinning ritual at Mike’s place, which doesn’t leave time for rowing on those days.  With only today and tomorrow left in the challenge, my plan was to row this morning, tonight, tomorrow morning and tomorrow evening to make up the ~27k that I had remaining when I last checked my log.

My goal was to get up by 6:15 this morning and hit the machine by 6:30.  Nick was going to help by kicking the bed at 6:15 to make sure I got up, since he’s usually out of bed by 6:00.  Figures that today was the day that we both slept in until 6:45 when I finally noticed the time and jumped out of bed.

So, I stumbled down to the rower and got started.  While I was rowing, I started to do some math to figure out how much I needed to row for each of the 4 rows I had left to do in order to make my goal.  The more I rowed, the more I thought that I had only completed ~163k meters, and that I actually had ~37 k left to row, not the ~27k that I’d had in my mind.  I’ve been known to be bad at math and figured I’d just miscalculated when I looked at my log last.  I suddenly wanted to cry.  I didn’t have enough time to row for an hour, and I was so tired that 30 minutes was seeming torturous as well.  But I figured I’d do what I could in the time that I had and managed to squeek out just over 9k in a little more than 45 minutes.

And then I went to my computer to input my distance, and discovered that I was freaking out over nothing.  Before this morning’s row, I had completed just over 173k meters.  Therefore, adding my 9k, I’m left with a nice, reasonable 18k to meet my goal.  50 minutes tonight + 50 minutes tomorrow, and I’ve exceeded my goal.  THIS is totally doable.  THIS feels really really good.

This has been a really awesome experience for me and I hope to contiue rowing after this challenge.  I hope to find something to motivate me to the type of dedication I had for this challenge, and I’m thinking that motivation will come from how good I look and feel right now.  I don’t know if I lost much more than 5lbs over the past month, but I’ve toned up a lot, I feel strong and sexy and I didn’t change a single thing about how I eat (I still am very concious of the choices I make, and some aren’t always good, but I never eat anything without considering what I’m eating).

I’ve proven that I can fit a full hour (or more) of exercise into every single day.  I’ve proven that I can exercise 6 days straight without feeling burnt out.  I’ve proven that excercising for 45min-1hr every day will allow me to loose weight without seriously limiting my food intake.  Its a slower loss for a lot of reasons, but I prefer to do it this way.  I know that over time, the more I fit exercise into my daily routine, the better my food choices will be – but for me, I think it’ll be easier to increase the exercise than it will be to significantly change my diet.

On that note, wish me luck on my final 18k!

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Battle of the mumbling geeks 🙂

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technology – its a love/hate thing..

Its been a few years since Nick and I have had a real land line phone in our house.  For the past few years, we’ve been using Vonage, but its even been awhile since we’ve had any phones hooked up for that – a power supply mistake burned out our original ATA (converts voice to bits).  We bought a replacement ATA, but never installed it.  In fact, I’m not sure we even have it any longer .. hmmm ..

We’ve been doing fine with cell phones, and I’ve got our Vonage number being forwarded to my cell phone, so we’re still getting calls if we need to.  The problem is, though, there’s no way to call out from the house without using a cell phone.  We’ve been able to get by with an extra cell phone for when Jarek is over, but that phone is becoming expensive and about to be turned off.  Also, I’ve been approved to work from home this week while attending an online training course.  Well .. its not exactly an online training course, its a conference call with a web meeting session.  Basically – I need to be on the phone for 4-8 hours a day, the next 4 days.  This would KILL my cell phone minutes.

The quickest, easiest and most elegant solution to my problem seems to be Skype.  I’ve used it plenty for video chat with Jessica in Germany and Nick when I travel.  When I looked into the cost of using Skype as a solution to dial other land lines and/or cell phones, I was floored at how cheap the subscription was.  I was able to buy 3 months worth of unlimited US/Canada calling for $7.95 .. kind of a no brainer, I think.

It happened immediately.  As soon as I entered my card info, and hit submit, my service was ready to use.  Talking to Nick just now (a test call from my new found geek goodness), I think we’re going to look into getting a Skype phone for the house and then have that for Jarek to use when we’re not here.  It doesn’t allow for emergency servies to be called, but I think we’ll be ok with that.

I’ll be happy to get rid of my Vonage account too.  We’re paying way too much for what is now essentially a phone number redirect to my cell phone.  With Skype, I can buy a phone number (which is discounted with subscription), and have voicemail options – for 3 freaking bucks a month (cheaper if you buy a year’s subscription all at once).  Yeah .. time for a change 🙂

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I'm it.

I’ve been tagged ..

I’ve read 6 random things about Namrita, Danielle and Andrea .. And now, apparently its my turn to enlighten my own couple of readers with 6 random things that very few people know about me.  Here goes:

1.  I was very shy as a kid, and even into college.  I still struggle with being shy and introverted even though most people who know me now, think I’m quite the opposite.

2.  Another childhood story – I was also quite the tomboy.  My neighborhood friends were boys, and I spent a lot of time doing boy things: riding bikes, climbing trees, playing in the mud.   I was the only girl on my t-ball team (and my dad was the coach).

3.  I started competitive swimming at the age of 9 and continued through my junior year in high school, but quit during my senior year.  When I was young, I used to dream of swimming in the Olympics and Janet Evans was my biggest hero in her day.

4.  While I have a really good, really corporate IT job (network security), my bachelors degree is in Health Education (non-teaching), and my minor is Physical Education with emphasis in coaching.

5.  I went to catholic school from kindergarten through 7th grade.  Uniforms and everything.

6.  I lived in Brooklyn, NY from 1984 – 1988 (age 9-13) and spent a lot of time running around the city by myself or with friends – very little parental supervision.  It was great freedom that would never be allowed by any parents today.  Times have certainly changed.  It was an experience that I wouldn’t trade for anything.

And now I must tag some others – I’m going to target the boys and see who’s still watching my blog 😀

Steve (aka I’m moving to Washington, wait, no! I’m not)

Robert (aka Hermitman)

Alex (aka the Dolpinator)

Nick (aka the hubby)

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10 percent

I’ve spent ~45 minutes each of the last 3 days rowing, and am on track.  I’ve got to row ~27k before Thursday to keep my weekly goal.  I’m hoping to hit that 50k in the next 3 days to give me room for a rest day if I need it.  So far so good.  My middle back muscles are tight, and I’ve got blisters on my hands/fingers (but I’m hoping that those will soon turn to calluses.

Apparently, people have already finished at least 100k because my logbook shows money being raised.  Heh.  Overachievers 😉

That gauge is still very empty!

That gauge is still very empty!

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Concept2: Holiday Challenge

Last winter, Nick and I bought a Concept2 indoor rower.  Its something that Nick’s wanted for several years, since he first used one at Lifetime Fitness.  I’m a fan, although I’ve not been able to use it with any kind of consistency – mostly due to laziness and lack of motivation.  Shocking, I know.

Well, one of the attractions for Nick was that Concept2 is more than just a company that makes indoor rowers, its also a community.  There are races and challenges going on across the country throughout the year.  So, of course, when he received an email form Concept2 about the upcoming holiday challenge, he forwarded it my way for consideration.

The challenge starts tomorrow, and I’m about to create my online account for tracking my meters.  There are two levels of objective for this challenge, and we’re both shooting for the greater goal of 200,000 meters in 4 weeks.  Concept2 will donate $.02 for our first 100k and $.04 for any meters beyond that to our choice of these charities:  The Nature Conservancy, Conservation International or the Alliance for Climate Protection.

So, 200,000 meters in 4 weeks breaks down to 50,000 meters per week.  This is a hefty goal.  All of my rowing in the past has been for ~30 minutes, ~5000 meters .. and never more than 2 days in a row.  Starting tomorrow, I will be rowing close to an hour a day, at least 5 days per week, for the next 4 weeks.

Its daunting, but I’m surprisingly excited to start.  With any luck, it will turn into some kind of habit and I will have successfully added indoor rowing as a cross training exercise.  Rowing really works the core muscles, so it is definitely something I will benefit from if I ever have any energy to ride my bike again 😉

Wish me luck!

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