Our trusty old Jeep is only 6 years old. She’s only a 2002, and I think we got her in 2003. I drive her to work every day and she’s our main ride for any trips we take. Races, vacations, rides, errands, whatever the trip, the Jeep is the go-to. Poor ol’ girl has 185k miles on her. And today, she got brand new shocks and strutts. She needs to take us to TN next week for Dirt, Sweat and Gears, so I’d better start giving her a lot of love, or she just might rebel.
Did an upgrade tonight, didn’t go well. Just trying to see if I can still post or not…
mci or kci?
The Kansas City (MO) International airport feels like a big airport when you’re driving to it and when you enter the airport campus. Inside the terminal though, its a whole different story.
There are 8 gates inside the security checkpoint – but I can’t figure out why they bother with all 8 numbers since, gates 61 and 62 use the same door, 63 and 64 use the same door, and 65-69 use the same door. Inside the security checkpoint, there are no restrooms, no restaurants, and only one small food kiosk with water, premade sandwiches, etc..
I love these small airports. The TSA guys are low-key and friendly – this is a big deal for me when I’m traveling with 2 laptops in my bag. I always feel rushed and somewhat uneasy going through those checkpoints and I almost considered checking one of my laptops in my luggage to avoid the ordeal of pulling them both out at security. I decided this wasn’t a good idea and instead planned to pack my carry on bag as lightly as possible to make things easier. For the record – I’ve never had an issue with TSA in Detroit, they’re generally very pleasant there, even when the lines are long. All in all, traveling with 2 laptops hasn’t been as bad as I’d imagined.
Why 2 laptops? Well, aside from the fact that I’m a big nerd, there is a reason. Nick and I wanted to be able to use skype or ichat to have some video convo’s this week. I have a camera built into the macbook which makes things much much easier. Also, my itunes library is on my macbook and .. well .. its kind of my baby 😉 .. but, I still wanted to bring my work laptop with me since I knew I was leaving some things hanging open at work and I wanted to be able to respond if needed. My work laptop has some tools that won’t run on the Mac and our SSL VPN software doesn’t yet support the new Leopard OS – so I couldn’t have done much with my macbook for work. When I get a bigger hard drive, I want to run parallels or VM so that I can have a windows install with my work tools on it. That will be ideal. Traveling with 2 laptops isn’t terrible, but its still heavy and space consuming. And kind of ridiculous 😉
So here I am, at MCI (or is it KCI? road signs say one thing, while everything online says something else .. weird). This nice small airport even has free wi-fi – slow, but free. My flight was delayed by 20 minutes due to pilot restrictions, but I’m still expected to land in detroit before 1.
Its been a good week, but I’m ready to be home. I hope that my week away from normal life is what I needed to reset my brain and knock me out of the frantic mode I’ve been running in for the past month. February was a nightmare that I hardly remember. Our trip to Vegas seems so long ago and I have mixed guilt about my trip to Rays (as wonderful of a trip that it was, I missed my last opportunity to say goodbye to my friend before he passed away – I really thought I had more time. More on this in another post someday). John’s passing created chaos at work with hospital visits, funeral and added workload in between – not to mention, trying to plan this trip which was originally supposed to be to San Francisco and changed to KC just last week. Mix in the MMBA annual meeting, a Poto chapter event in Ypsi, a women’s night at MBF followed by a planning meeting with the ED and President and the membership suddenly interested in all things merchandise.
I was just hanging on by a thread and reached the absolute end of my patience with my 20 yr old stepson last week. We had it out over email and he’s been at is grandparents’ place ever since.
So, I think, having a week to myself with no place to go (no car to get me anywhere) was what I needed.
perception makes it better
Why do I feel better about throwing away food that’s been cooked/prepared than about throwing away food that was never opened?
I’ve been in Kansas City, MO this week for Checkpoint Firewall training (woo hoo!). I decided to stay at a Residence Inn for 2 reasons: 1- they have shuttle service to/from my training location so I didn’t have to rent a car and 2- I wanted a kitchen so that I didn’t have to eat out all week. On Tuesday after class, I went grocery shopping and came back with 2 bags of food. Really, it wasn’t too much food, but I’ve also been sick this week and not eating nearly as much as I normally would.
Well, I’m leaving tomorrow and I decided that I really should cook up some of the 1/2 dozen eggs that I bought and finish up the breakfast sausage. I just hated the thought of leaving that stuff in the fridge to be thrown away. I wasn’t in the mood for eggs, haven’t been all week. I definitely wasn’t in the mood for sausage as its really just something I like once in awhile, and after eating it for 3 days, I’ve really had enough. But alas, I cooked it up anyway. I only cooked 3 eggs, and mixed in the sausage and white cheddar cheese that I had. I was pretty sure that once it was cooked, I’d really want to eat it.
I tried, I really did. The toast was great. I drank my full glass of milk. But the eggs .. blah.. I had a few bites, but I just can’t eat the rest. So, those eggs are going to get thrown away anyway.
The full bottle of wine that I never opened (again, I was sick all week and just never in the mood for wine like I thought I would be) will probably go to someone at the front desk. In the good old days, I could have carried the wine on the plane in my backpack. Not so much anymore. *sigh* Not sure what to do with my leftover bread, butter and cheese. I think I’ll be able to finish the milk and orange juice though.
There’s a group of IRS “auditors in training” staying here and I know one of them is sticking around through the weekend (they are in training the whole month, but most are going home for the weekend). I was hoping to bump into her again to give her my food, but I haven’t seen her.
I always feel guilty about throwing away food, but I just don’t know what else to do.
On a positive note, I bet I lost some weight this week since I really haven’t been eating much 😉
is there an ecto in here?
I wonder if software will help my blogging problems .. I think sometimes I don’t blog because I want to be more creative than I seem to be able to .. or … maybe I’m just making excuses .. who knows ..
Whatever the case, I’m trying out this software that I recently heard about … It seems to have some cool features .. like .. really cool (and seemingly easy, but somewhat slow) iPhoto integration ..
with options like … embedded pics :
I also see that it has an Itunes button … I’m listening to : You Enjoy Myself from the album “1996/12/6 I Las Vegas, NV” by Phish
On my new “Apple AirPort Express with Air Tunes (M9470LL/A)” (Apple Computer) (link from the “Amazon” button in my toobar) – a Christmas present from Nick
I’ll post a christmas post after I download my pics from the camera … I just wanted to test this software .. so far, it seems pretty cool 🙂
should I or shouldn't I?
In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.
–Bill Cosby
my suggestion, rent …
I came home from work yesterday and found my husband, 2 stepsons and mother-in-law sitting in the living room. I walked around the house looking for the open door or window that was making it so cold in the house. There was no open door or window. But, it was freezing in the house.
Apparently, the pilot light was lit, but the furnace wasn’t kicking on. Nice. 6:00 on a Friday night in December and I’ve got no heat.
Who do you call? An electrician? *shrug* So, I go to the computer and browse to maps.google.com, type in “furnace repair near my zip code” and click the various links that return, looking for one with a website. Its kind of a rule of mine – find a service center with a website where I can get at least a small amount of information before I call. When I went to Great Dane’s website, the first thing I saw was “24 hour emergency service”. Good enough for me.
It was ~56 degrees in the when Karak from Great Dane showed up at 8:00. Brr.
By 9:00 our furnace was once again blazing. The fuse on the furnace itself was blown, but since we have a circuit breaker, Karak was able to just bypass the fuse and get us back in business. He also used a very cool camera snakey thingy to look into the furnace and verify that, yes, its very old and probably on its last legs. This is not news. Our plumber tells me the same thing about our pipes whenever I call for service. Its an old house. With old pipes, old furnace, old windows.
So today the house is nice and toasty. And soon we’ll be looking at new furnaces. We figure, we might as well also go with a cooling system too. It might be the first house in America to have central air but no dishwasher. Heh.
guess i should ..
post some updates 🙂
I just added a couple of friends to my google reader and started to feel guilty for leaving this thing so empty so often 🙂
So, here’s a quick rundown:
The Titus is as good as sold. Kristi has been riding it for a few weeks now and is ready to take the plunge. She’ll give it much more love and adventure than I ever would have. I’m happy that the Titus has a good home and that Kristi is getting a bike that she loves!
On the flip side, I snagged a Redline Monocog 29er frame from a dude on the MMBA board on the cheap. Nick is in the process of ordering/building a new Vassago Jaberwocky SS – so I took the opportunity to cannibalize his Fisher Rig so that I could build my first 29er. I’ve ridden a couple of 29ers in the past and only been midly impressed (at best). The two different Gary Fisher 29ers I rode were terrible. I felt like I was riding a schoolbus – heavy, slow and cumbersome. I had a better experience on a Felt 29er, but it was a demo and I didn’t have time to set it up very well for my liking, so it had a ridiculously narrow handlebar that was not down low enough. After riding the Felt, though, I knew that there was *something* to this 29er business. And the Redline was as cheap an entry into the 29er world as I could have found, so it just made sense.
My plan was to gear the Redline heavy so that I could train on PCT, road rides, etc.. and keep the Bianchi SS for singletrack through the winter and figure out what I really want out of a bike sometime in the spring. Well, that was a good idea, but very short lived. I took the Redline out to Stony for a mostly doubletrack ride a couple of weeks ago. It was really awesome on the doubletrack, but the singletrack (just the Pines) was intriguing. The next day, we met Mike and Tommy out at Stony again and in addition to the Pines, I did the Snake, and the first part of the Roller Coaster. It was enough for me to realize 2 things – 1) I was geared way too stiff for singletrack and 2) The Redline is crazy fun. The combination of the steel frame and the 29er wheels is awesome. The steel soaks up the little bumps, the 29er wheels roll over shit and the momentum is crazy.
So, now to regear the Redline for trail riding. *sigh*
The good news is, I had no idea that I’d sell the Titus so fast. The $$ from that will cover Nick’s Vassago and leave just enough left over for me to buy the bike I’ve been wanting for years – a surly crosscheck. This will solve my longer training ride problems. Nick also made a trade with a teammate and now has a nice Redline Cross frame that he’s building into a dinglespeed for training. We’ll be styling soon 🙂
Speaking of training. After years and years of talking about it, we finally bought a Concept2 Rower. We’ve been cleaning and moving things in our basement and we have a nice area for training now. Two trainers with road bikes and a rowing machine all nicely lined up. We’ve been pretty steady the past couple of weeks with the training – either in the morning before work, or in the evening, or (very rarely, but hopefully more often soon) both. We hope to also start training with the Moss’s in the next couple of weeks. Ugh .. spinervals …
That’s about all I’ve got for right now. I’m going to really try to do this more often .. maybe shorter entries is an easier thing … *sigh* I’m probably just fooling myself 😉
a testament to things done wrong
Today I rode my fourth Iceman. I didn’t finish it. I waited 20 minutes at Williamsburg Rd. for a support van to take me (and 4 others) to the finish line. I was defeated, frustrated and sad. I’ve been excited all week about riding my single speed for Iceman. I mean, I LOVE that bike. I love the way I feel when I ride it. I was looking forward to finally enjoying an Iceman race. And I did … for 10 miles .. and then it all went to shit ..
Mistake #1 – I chose to ride in the Lady Clyde category, rather than the women’s SS category. And while I completely admire these beginner women, I don’t enjoy riding behind them when they’re braking and nearly stopping on the (glorious, but sketchy) downhills. As a single speeder, this is guaranteed death. Any momentum I could have had was lost on most of the downhills.
Mistake #2 – I’m pretty sure I was dehydrated. I put ~55 oz of water in my camelback and felt like I couldn’t drink it fast enough. I was constantly thirsty. I’d mixed up a 3 hour Sustained Energy and with an added espresso hammer gel (mmmm) and finished at least 1/2 of it, if not more. By the time I got to Williamsburg Rd, I’d emptied almost all of my camelback. And I was still thirsty.
Mistake #3 – I hadn’t eaten any food all day. I get super nervous before these things and I just can’t eat any food. I was up at the ass crack of dawn (7 am) because Nick started his race at 9:55 and when I took off at 11:20, I’d not had a single thing to eat all day. I didn’t really eat a whole lot of food yesterday either .. I’d had a good breakfast in Grayling and then stood in the MMBA tent at the expo until dinner time. I had some pringles and some super yummy chips and salsa that BTT Andy’s wife makes. I didn’t really eat a big dinner, but it was good pasta and bread.
Mistake #4 – I haven’t been training. I can ride 28 miles, but I just don’t have the endurance to push the gear on the single speed, over those hills, through that loamy singletrack, with no momentum. I said the words out loud, and now I’m writing them here – I just don’t think that the Titus (Racer-x) is for me. I’ve just never felt right on it, never felt “good”. And I’ve been avoiding riding it lately because of it. So, I haven’t wanted to do any long rides because my SS is usually geared pretty easy (34×18) and not good for long flat riding, and I don’t want to ride my only geared bike – the Titus.
So, the last 6 miles before Williamsburg Rd had my calfs cramping so badly that I couldn’t clip in after walking up hills. I couldn’t weight my pedals on the downhills and was getting sketchy because of it. Any time I’d cost, I’d cramp and every pedal stroke had a position that threatened cramping. I just wasn’t having any fun. And I knew that the last 11 miles held the worst of the hills. I threw in the towel and took the support van to the finish line.
*shrug* I’m not done yet. I’ll be back at Iceman next year, back on the singlespeed. In the mean time, I guess its time for me to start thinking about a new bike ..